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Mission Statement

Cloudbuster Attacks On Planet Earth

Cloudbusting is a menace to the environment. Despite some claims to the contrary, cloudbusting is not a solution to environmental problems; it is a problem in itself, a destructive technology requiring a condemnatory response by the environmental movement.

Cloudbusting is not something new; it is already so comonplace as to be intolerable and an environmental movement to control this currently unregulated technology is needed to protect the public.

All over the world people are getting worried about what is happening to the climate. Each year, it seems, there are more and more extreme weather events of increasing severity and frequency. Records are being broken more often than ever before in recorded history. It is clear the climate of the entire world is becoming destabilized, less reliable, more random and chaotic, with droughts, floods, heat waves, and severe cold spells becoming the norm.

While there are several factors involved in this climatic breakdown, one seldom recognized major factor in this climate destabilization is the existence of a technological means to interfere with the natural movement of the atmosphere on a large scale. This device, called a cloudbuster, is simple and cheap enough to construct that in recent years hundreds of individuals all over the world, learning about it from instructions promiscuously posted on irresponsible websites, have taken it up as a backyard hobby.

Many of these individuals tend to be paranoid and delusional, and are using the cloudbuster as a sort of prop in a role-playing game, often imagining themselves to be fighting off hostile UFOs, resisting a secret government plot of some kind, or changing "bad" atmospheric energy into "good".

Many others claim they are "ending droughts", "making rain", or "doing research". They seem oblivious to the fact that the droughts they think they are ending resume as soon as they stop operating because the underlying cause of the drought has not been adressed. They fail to understand that the goal of proper cloudbusting is not to make rain, but to restore normal pulsation of the atmospheric energy so that, among other effects, rain will occur spontaneously as needed.

They ignore the rights of the people affected to be told what is being done to their environment and to have some say in the matter, and that subjecting people to a research program who have not given their informed consent is a human rights violation.

Some think they are "greening deserts", while in reality, they are subjecting the fragile dryland ecosystem to unusual stress from excessive rainfall in areas where all native life-forms are well-adapted to the prevailing conditions.

They usually have no idea of the scientific basis upon which the cloudbuster works, or fantasize, without evidence, that some wildly speculative theory of their own concoction is the better theory. Frequently they have little idea of what a cloudbuster is capable of, many of them, for example, thinking it only affects their local area.

As a result of these incompetent interventions in atmospheric dynamics, countless innocent victims have died and the environment has been seriously disturbed in numerous weather-related catastrophes.

Due to their paranoia they do not often communicate what they are doing to others working in the same field. Many of them, in fact, think they are the only ones doing anything with what they think is a somehow suppressed and secret invention. Many others are so arrogant they think nobody except themselves and their associates is able to conduct cloudbusting operations safely and properly, so they refuse to co-operate with those they deem "unqualified".

While there is certainly nothing secret or suppressed about the cloudbuster, it is regarded as crackpot by many of the scientific community, in large part because of the absurd fictions and folklore with which it has become surrounded. The fantastic legends of its' inventor, Wilhelm Reich, having been the victim of official persecution, or of some alleged conspiratorial plot, or having fought wars with beings from outer space, or having had meetings with Einstein, serve to distract attention from the serious issue of the menace of the cloudbuster he invented.

This large body of folklore functions to hide the reality of the cloudbuster as an effective, science-based tool and disguise it as a crackpot fantasy. It is perfectly right, in fact, the only rational response of anyone with even the slightest scientific education, to dismiss such a device as incapable of having any effect on the weather when it is presented wrapped in such packaging.

The failure to recognize the imput into the total atmospheric picture of this proliferation of crackpots playing around with cloudbusters means the scientists trying to understand the weather are misled into ignoring that a large portion of unusual weather events are being caused by this unsuspected form of technological intervention and instead think the climate changes now underway are being caused by some other factor, such as greenhouse effect from combustion products released into the atmosphere.

Any theory of what is happening with the weather and climate on this planet must take the social phenomena of a mass movement of cloudbuster hobbyists into account. And the environmental movement must mount an effective effort to counter this form of blatant interference with the atmosphere.

If and when cloudbusting is ever recognized by the scientific community as a science-based reality rather than a prop in a fantasy role-playing game, then it can be expected that official agencies will take over the job of protecting the public from improper use of the cloudbuster. But until then, it is up to concerned environmentalists to fill that role. Otherwise, until cloudbusting can be regulated, countless innocent victims will continue to die each year from cloudbuster-murder by crackpot Reichians.

And greenhouse gases from combustion will take the rap. The world is now facing serious economic problems at least partially caused by the mistaken belief that the atmospheric disorder caused by cloudbusting is due to a greenhouse effect instead, and numerous laws are in the process of being passed taxing or restricting fuel-burning activities in an effort to prevent weather disasters that are really being caused by cloudbusting and could only be prevented by restricting the use of cloudbusters.

Until effective regulation is in place, however, the few responsible people who are aware of the threat posed by cloudbusters must be ready and willing to take whatever action is needed to stop the use of cloudbusters in their home areas. Direct intervention by concerned citizens is often the only way to prevent serious harm to the earth and to the public, and this is one of those cases.


In recent years, as the internet has made it possible for anyone with a
computer to spread the word about anything they please, irresponsible
instructions for building cloudbusters have mushroomed and
cloudbusting is now second only to nuclear power as the worst environmental

Cloudbuster proliferation has become a major environmental problem.

The cloudbuster is a very simple, easy to construct device that can be used to help restore a sick, damaged atmosphere to normal self-regulatory functioning.

This re-establishment of natural self-regulation to the atmosphere when it has become damaged and stagnated is the goal of any properly-done cloudbusting project.

Unfortunately, many people fail to grasp this point. Anyone who uses terms like "weather engineering", "etheric engineering", "weather control", "rainmaking", and the like, does not understand this important factor in cloudbusting.

It is an unfortunate side-effect of cloudbusting that it can be misused to cause rain and can have other direct effects on the weather.

In recent years many environmentalists have expressed concern that the details of how to construct a cloudbuster are too easily available on the internet. There is a growing Orgonomic Ecology Movement that is concerned about unwanted consequences of cloudbuster interference in the weather and seeks to prevent cloudbuster proliferation and combat those individuals guilty of hubris who wish to intervene in the weather by this means.

The Orgonomic Ecology group exists to explore ways and means to stop the proliferation of cloudbusters and expose to public outrage the power-drunkards and control-freaks who are attacking our atmosphere with cloudbusters, however they may rationalize their destructiveness.

We will pull no punches. We will name names and fight back against the propaganda of the atmosphere abusers and their enablers.

We regard Atmosphere Abuse as similar to other, more personal, forms of abuse, such as abuse of children or animals. The psychology of the abuser is the same, and we intend to expose that pathology.

We seek to build an anti-cloudbuster movement that can bring to a halt the rapidly growing hobby of manipulating the weather by control-freaks who are unable to leave the natural world alone.

Please spread the word around about this blog and urge your contacts to read it and to pass it on to their own contacts also.

About Me

I have been very involved in orgonomy since 1967 and have done cloudbusting, oranur work and laboratory experiments with orgone accumulators, medical DOR-busters, and pre-atomic chemistry. I was a student of Dr. Eva Reich, the daughter of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, who invented the cloudbuster, and have a letter from her saying I have learned what she has to teach and she considers me "very knowledgeable in this field".

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Friday, November 19, 2010

From My Correspondence............

I had a bit of an argument with Jerry Decker recently over an article he posted about some cloudbusting he had done. Along the way, he mentioned some group he knew who he said were doing a lot of cloudbusting. I suspected he ment the Weather Rangers group you have mentioned, so I finally got around to checking them out.

I do not think the equipment they are using could really do what they claim. In fact, I do not think it could do anything at all for reasons set out below, but I sent some information on the ecological considerations involved in cloudbusting to the group leader anyway, and sent you a copy of the letter I sent him.

All high-voltage electromagnetic equipment can break up clouds. TV and radio broadcasting antenas, power lines, radar dishes, microwave towers, big transformers, etc. all irritate the orgone around them into a mild oranur state. Clouds near them will disipate from the expansion triggered.

There is no way to reverse the process. No possible EM device can cause clouds to form. Neither can any EM device attract clouds from a distant point, or trigger rain from them. But there have been several cases of people who have seen the disipation of clouds by some home-made electrical device, and have jumped to the conclusion, based on what they know of electromagnetic theory, that the process could be reversed by reversing the polarity. Despite a lack of observational evidence, they then convince themselves that it is actually happening because the theory is so persuasive and they do not understand the processes involved in cloud formation and how electromagnetic energy interacts with the orgone field of the earth.

So I think the most likely explanation in the case of the so-called Weather Rangers is self-deception by power-freaks who would like to be able to control the weather and do not know enough about either orgonomy or conventional physics to know it is impossible to do so by any electromagnetic means.

In 1960, leading atmospheric physicist Bernard Vougnagut, streched a wire over a canyon and electrified it, inonizing the air around it. A thin line of cloud formed around the wire. This is conventionally considered to be ionization of the air with the ions providing consation nuclei for water vapor in the air to condense around. The extent of the effect is limited to a few inches at most, but there have been plenty of attempts to extend it by using a wire grid to obtain a cloud cover over the area below it. This type of small-scale weather modification has been tried in Russia and Mexico . It is so far the only method of electromagnetic weather control known. And it is virtually worthless. Controling weather over a distance of two inches is a joke. And it cannot be scaled up because of the inverse square law, which dictates that to obtain any effect at distances that would be worthwhile would require more electrical power than could be available.
For the same reason, I remain convinced that despite all popular claims to the contrary, the HAARP antenna array in Alaska cannot have any practical weather control function. It is certainly large enough to disrupt the weather, as all strong electrical excitation sources do, but there is a vast gap between disrupting the weather and controlling it.

Several inventors have claimed a discovery of electrical weather control. A gadget called a "Joe Cell" has been claimed to alter weather. There has been some similiar claim made recently by a David Wells. Some of the "free energy" buffs have made a similiar claim for the Newman motor, a well-publicized free energy invention. So far, none of these inventors have done a public demonstartion of their devices under controlled conditions. But I do not accuse them of intentional deceit. I think they are sincerely convinced they have made a great discovery.

But if any such discovery is ever made, the effects of the device, whatever it may turn out to be, will have to be consistant with what we already know of the orgone energy envelope of the earth and the way it causes weather events to occur. No device will ever be invented that can do something contrary to what we know of the behavior of orgone energy. We simply cannot ignore what we already know and what is based on extensive obnservation just because some individual unfamiliar with the known facts claims to have discovered something.

And given the long history of group self-deception, from religions to the current "Global Warming" hysteria, the mere number of people who suport the initial claimant is irrelevant. A large number of people can get caught up in a fantasy or cult movement as easily as one person.

That may sound arrogant and narrow-minded to the alternative scientific community, but I am not running for office and am not in a popularity contest.  And where cloudbusting is concerned the stakes are too high to treat cultists and fantasies seriously.  

 Joel Carlinsky

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