Right now I am the only one publicly enphasizing the role of DOR in deterioration of weather functioning.
DeMeo is more interested in bashing Moslems. Blasband has become a follower of a Russian psychic healer and lost interest in orgonomy. Constable will not talk about DOR because he thinks thinking about it causes it. The ACO is focussing on psychiatry and has not published an orgone physics article in 18 years. Matt Ryan is more into ripping off Montana farmers by charging for rainmaking services and claiming he does it with spiritual powers. Jamie Ogg refuses to give up on conventional science, despite it being in conflict with his own observations of orgonomic facts. And, of course, none of them would co-operate with me in any way on anything, even if the survival of the planet depended on it, which it does.
Jerome Eden was the one most into the aspect of orgonomy dealing with the effects of DOR on atmospheric behavior, and he had a small group of students in northern Idaho, but since his death nothing has been heard from any of them.
The DOR / oranur emergency was the issue that most consumed Reich in his last 5 years, and it has been forgotten and ignored by a generation that is only into cloudbusting to have fun making the weather do what they feel like making it do.
But the problem goes deeper than that. The oranur process is not only about what happens in an orgone accumulator with radium inside it. The original oranur experiment revealed the true nature of what orthodox science calls radioactivity and how it really works, including how it really interacts with living tissue and causes illness. It also shows how radioactivity interacts with the atmospheric orgone to affect weather.
But the implications for science and medicine are stagering. Just to start, radioactive materials do not radiate. The energy detected from them is really coming from the ether around them. It is the irritated ether that is detected by instruments and wrongly thought to originate in the internal dynamics of the material which is only acting as an irritant to the surrounding ether.
The whole concept of radioactive material having a fixed half-life is wrong too. The rate at which the material undergoes changes is not fixed. It varies depending on the orgone density it is exposed to. Since the inside of a living organism has a much higher orgone charge than the outside air, radioactive material inside a living body is being transformed by the orgone charge of that body and will eventually be rendered harmless, though the organism will die in the process. But since in nature everthing that dies is soon eaten by something else, the radioactive material will be rapidly cycled through a succession of bodies until it becomes harmless. On the other hand, shutting it up inside a leak-proof container to keep it away from the biosphere will only make it remain hazardous forever.
And since no container can shield against oranur, the container will have a deleterious effect on the atmospheric energy despite being leakproof. The effects that are detected by orthodox instruments are only some of the effects of such material irritating the ether. Other effects, both biological and meteorlogical, cannot be detected by their instruments and will continue to cause trouble. The problems will not of course be connected with radioactivity. They will include droughts, floods, heat waves, cold waves, wildlife die-offs, mysterious illnesses and changes in human behavior. The Ph of water will be affected. The chemistry of the atmosphere will be affected. In fact, just about everything in both biology and meteorology will be affected.
The so-called hole in the ozone layer is an oranur reaction at high altitude. AIDS is delayed low-level radiation sickness. Many species numbers are at historic lows because of oranur effects on their health. The number of lightning strikes is decreasing, leading to less bioavailable nitrogen compounds that plant life needs. The list of catastrophic effects goes on and on.
Only the orgone theory has any conception of all these connections and the very few Reichians who might form a nucleus of a research team are too preocupied with petty political trivia like Moslems vs. civilization, or trying to prove the existence of orgone to rigid, dogmatic mechanistic scientists who will never believe it no matter how much evidence is presented. Or wasting time and funds on spiritual salvation instead of living in the real world. Or anything they can think of to avoid facing the facts that the atmospheric life energy is dying, no, not dying, BEING MURDERED, by mechanistic technologies in the hands of a massive over-growth of a disease-causing organism known as the humanpox.
Into this mix, add the dire dangers of cloudbuster proliferation, as the internet facilitates communication so hundreds, possibly thousands, of ignorant idiots like Ash start fooling around with cloudbusters, each with his own theory of how they work, how to improve them. and what needs to be done with them. So far, the widespread use of radioactive technology is still the most serious environmental threat, but cloudbuster proliferation is rapidly overtaking nuclear reactors as the technology doing the most damage to the biosphere.
Jerry Decker is a technophiliac and cannot see anything wrong with this. The Weather Rangers are self-deluded and the devices they are using do not really stand much chance of actually being able to do what they think they can, or much of anything, for that matter, but this cult shows what is bound to happen sooner or later with some group using real cloudbusters.
As the atmosphere becomes more and more stagnant, there will be a reaction of more frequent and severe storms, especially tornados. Strong circulatory syatems are a healing reaction of the life energy to the presence of DOR. We need a lot more tornados and hurricanes, not less. They are the way the atmosphere attempts to clean itself out and re-establish normal movement. Anyone trying to interfere with hurricanes or tornados is vandalizing the atmosphere. And if the Weather Rangers were working with a real technology that really could do what they think it can, they would be a worse menace than the nuclear industry.
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