A cloudbuster can bring rain in the midst of a drought, but unless the underlying cause of the drought is addressed, the rain will sooner or later stop and the drought will resume. On the other hand, if the energetic stasis that is preventing the rain is removed, the normal pulsation of the atmosphere will bring rain at more or less regular intervals from then on.
The short-sighted efforts to "make rain" reveal an ignorance of the basic facts of the orgone physics of the atmosphere. Today, thanks to the internet, more and more people all over the world are learning how to build a cloudbuster, but nothing I have seen on the internet tells them how to use it properly. Some websites give instructions on how to get this or that result by doing this or that, but none of them teaches the far more important information of how NOT to do cloudbusting.
The most important thing to know in cloudbusting is how to avoid mistakes. Knowing the errors to avoid and how to avoid them is much more important than knowing any specific technique for getting some specific result. For this reason, not for any motive of personal vendetta or grudge, it is necessary to give specific examples and case-histories of cloudbusting operations that went wrong or were improperly conducted as lessons from which it can be learned what not to do.
In the planing of an operation, it is important to include the ecological background of the situation in the area to be affected. For example, it would be hard to do much harm by causing excess rain in a rainforest where there is normally plenty of rain all year long. But the same amount of added rainfall in a desert could be a disaster. Recent propsals to manipulate Carribean hurricanes to weaken them or divert them away from land show a similiar failure to take into account the normal patterns of the weather in the area and the needs of the local ecosystem.
Hurricanes have had a bad press. On the evening news they are seen as having caused a lot of damage, trees knocked down, etc. and it looks like what the announcer says, that they do a lot of harm. Many people who do not look any farther than the mass media for their education on current events accept that evaluation.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. In regions where hurricanes are common and there can be several in a normal year, they play an important ecological role. A large portion of the annual water supply is provided by these strong storms.
Trees are knocked down, true, but the resulting tangle of downed wood gives habitat and shelter to many species of animal life that need such tangles of downed timber to hide in from predators. While the downed wood is being recycled into the forest floor to provide nutrients to a next generation of trees, the insects that do the job gain food and a place to live. They in turn feed many species that live on them.
Species that are not adapted to life in a zone that has hurricanes cannot invade and cause all the damage that invasive species always do in a new habitat. If the hurricanes ceased, they would be able to gain a foothold to the detriment of the species already living there. The well-known case of the introduction of the rabbit to Australia should be enough to point out the risks of allowing exotic species into an area.
Just as there are some ecosystems, especially in Australia, but also in the Cascades in Oregon, for example, that are fire-dependent and need periodic fires to function properly, so also there are hurricane-dependent areas, in particular, the coastal zones in the sub-tropics, where the frequency of hurricanes has created a hurricane-dependent ecosystem.
The coastal zones in the sub-tropics are already under severe attack from development. The very last thing they need would be a short-fall in the frequency and strength of the annual tropical storms that keep them in balance. If humans were ever to begin to interfere with these much-need storms on any significant scale it would be a disaster beyond any that can be imagined.
Yet, incredibly, some people, having found out about what a cloudbuster can do, come to the conclusion that they should dash out and try to prevent the next hurricane from making landfall. They imagine they would thereby be doing the region a favor, saving lives and property. They think of themselves as heros and are indignant and enraged at anyone who tells them they would be causing massive damage by what they intend as a good deed.
Unlike the usual, mechanistic concept, the orgonomic concept of the functioning of the atmosphere considers the atmosphere to be more than a haphazard collection of gases driven by temperature diferences. In the orgonomic understanding, the atmosphere consists of an integrated system of related componants following well-defined roles and both the activating force and the directing factors are subsumed under the heading of orgone. The terminology reflects the functional identity between atmosphere and organism.
We speak of a "healthy" atmosphere or a "sick" atmosphere, we speak of restoring it to health and we consider it capable of self-regulation just as a living organism is. We do not think the rain that falls was evaporated from some body of water, and then condensed back into liquid again due to a drop in temperature, we think the main atmospheric elements, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, which by no coincidence are the same as the major elements in the living body, are constantly being created from mass-free orgone by the superimposition of streams of orgone within the atmosphere, and one of the results of this constant, ongoing process of creation is the formation of water in clouds.
We do not consider the huge weight of water in a cloud to be suspended above the earth by updrafts, as the mechanists think, but by the repulsive force to the orgone the water is charged with, and when there is a sudden sharp discharge in the form of a lightning bolt, the charge is removed and the water starts to fall.
If the conditions are highly-charged enough, not only water will form in the atmosphere from mass-free energy, but also bacteria. This is the reason bacteria are so often to be found in raindrops. If the charge were even higher, much higher than it usually is in modern times, but within the limits that existed in pre-historic times, even larger, multi-celled organisms would form directly from the energy of the atmosphere as it condensed into matter.
These are only a few of the many points of difference between the orgone theory and the orthodox, or mechanistic theories of the atmosphere that reveal a vast chasm that must be crossed before an individual is ready to engage in cloudbusting operations. It simply is not possible to do cloudbusting properly on a basis of mechanistic theories that ignore the orgone energy continuum that moves the atmosphere and underlies all weather phenomena.
The action of the cloudbuster pipes affects more than the behavior opf air and water vapor, important as those are. It also has direct effects on the biological functioning of every living organism within range, and that range can extend several hundred miles or possibly even more. For example, experiments by the late Harold Saxon Burr, at Yale University in New Haven, Ct., showed a sudden jump in the bio-electrical potenrtial between two electrodes embedded in a tree within a few seconds after a cloudbuster draw was started in Benningto, Vt., several hundred miles away.
Such close interconnections between the atmosphere and biosphere are incomprehensible to mechanistic science, but entirely understandable and predictable in terms of the orgone theory. For this reason, anyone attempting to do cloudbusting without a through grounding in orgone biophysics is on a par with a blind man trying to fly a plane.
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