A correspondent wrote to me and asked a question pertaining to the
so-called "chembusters" used by Don Croft and his followers. Here is my
The whole chemtrail business would be nothing but a silly joke if
not for a con-artist named Don Croft, who gets his kicks from seeing how
fantastic he can make a tall tale and still get people to believe in
it. The chemtrail rumors existed before he got into the business of
thinking up new and more exagerate spin-offs, but his mixing
cloudbusters into the fantasy made it dangerous instead of merely
The majority of chemtrail believers are not Croftians. Most of them
are just innocent dupes who tend to believe every conspiracy theory
they hear of because when they were small children they wondered what
Daddy and Mommy were doing in secret with the bedroom door closed and
they never did find out. At least they never did find out in a way they
could process and assimilate.
Yep. A Freudian explanation. So years later, as adults, they still
think Big People are doing Something Bad in Secret. That is why
conspiracy theories tend to attract people on the far right of the
political spectrum; The reason people are attracted to them is the same
reason they are attracted to the political Right: sexual repression.
But Croft and his followers, or at least his followers, since there
is some doubt he himself really belives his tall tales, have turned
this otherwise harmless nonsense into a role-playing game in which they
are the heroes, fighting off invading enemies from outer space. And
using cloudbusters as a weapon in their cosmic battle fantasies. It is
all silly childish stuff lifted straight from kids videos and comic
books, and if not for the incorporation of cloudbusters into the game,
would merit no attention.
Croft claims to have invented a "new, improved" form of
cloudbuster, which is a sure sign he has no understanding of how a real
cloudbuster works. He obviously never read much by Reich, only the
Trevor Constable commercial promotional material written by Constable to
throw rivals off the track of how he was really doing what he did.
Croft also stole the idea of a mix of resin and metal shavings from a
radionics salesman, Karl Weltz, and calls it "orgonite" There is no
reason known to orgone biophysics to think it does anything, but he
claims it is the greatest thing since Reich invented the orgasm.
The gadgets Croft & Co. call "cloudbusters", or sometimes
"chembusters" are not real cloudbusters. And even if they were, they
could not do the things Croft claims they can. If they were connected to
an orgone concentration, meaning a real orgone accumulator,
not a lump of "orgonite", the tubes would act as the tube connected to
an accumulator does, which is what Reich called an orgone "shooter".
That is a misnomer. An orgone shooter does not "shoot" anything. The
orgone in the accumulator is ATTRACTED through the tube TOWARD the
stronger field of the body of a patient.
To actually affect the atmosphere, a cloudbuster has to be grounded
into water. Since the Croft devices are not grounded, they are not able
to affect the atmosphere. At least, they are not able to DRAW. Jim
DeMeo claims they DO have an effect of EXCITING the atmosphere and that
can cause an expansion and produce a drought. He may well be right. I do
not know if he has tested a Croft device or not, though Croft says he
ordered one from Croft. But Croft is not a reliable source of
DeMeo and I do not often agree, but on this, we do. And if DeMeo is
right about the Croft gadgets causing over-excitation of the atmosphere
and making it expand, which is the pre-condition for a drought if it
lasts long enough, there is a really BIG problem going on because,
unlike a real cloudbuster, at least when operated by anyone who knows
what they are doing, the Croft gadgets are usually left in one position
for prolonged periods of time, and if they really do cause an expansion,
it would block the normal pulsation of the atrmosphere and leave it
"stuck" in the expansion phase of the cycle, and that would soon turn
into a drought.
Usually, when I write anything about cloudbusters and speak of
people using cloudbusters, I am refering to the REAL cloudbusters, as
invented by Reich in the 1950s and not improved on since. There are
probably at least several hundred of them around, though not all
operating at any one time. If there were several hundred real
cloudbusters all operating at the same point in time, this planet would
not survive.