I recently posted a message on the discussion board of an orgonomic journal, the Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy, in response to a posting there advocating gun control.
This message is posted on the discussion board, after being approved by the moderator, an M. D. who is a medical orgonomist and a board-certified psychiatrist. .
If you are against easy access to guns, what about cheap, easy access to cloudbusters? There are several websites selling cloudbusters or giving exact instructions on how to build one, and several hundred people on every continent have already done so.
I once spoke to Dr. Victor Sobey about this issue. He told me that when Reich invented the cloudbuster, in 1952, Sobey had been the only one to urge him not to publish because of the risk of misuse. Reich published anyway, but when I spoke to him, Sobey still felt he had been right and Reich should have kept his mouth shut.
Now, after many severe storms and floods have been caused by incompetent, irresponsible playing with cloudbusters, including the recent catastrophic floods in Queensland, Australia, it is becoming more and more obvious Sobey was right. We badly need a few people speaking up and demanding transparency and accountability in the use of the cloudbuster.
I was a student of Dr. Eva Reich, the daughter of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, and received tutoring from her in the field of orgone biophysics, including the use of the Reich cloudbuster. I also have long been active in the environmental movement, and it is from that perspective that I am conducting a campaign against atmosphere abusers who are engaging in cloudbuster malpractice.
Under normal conditions, the cloudbuster should only be used rarely, when there is an atmospheric problem such as a prolonged drought, to restore things to normal. Today, thanks mainly to the use of radioactivity in industry and warfare, the atmosphere is increasingly out of order and the cloudbuster is needed more than at any time in history.
Unfortunately, thanks in large part to the internet, many irresponsible people, not knowing much about cloudbusting and the proper use of it to restore natural, self-regulating conditions to a damaged atmosphere, are promoting it as a form of “weather control”, which is a form of malpractice that places the lives of innocent members of the public at risk.
In fact, this misuse of this device is a form of atmosphere abuse, comparable to abuse of children or animals, and causes further damage to the already damaged atmosphere, making restoration of natural self-regulation more difficult.
The indiscriminate proliferation of cloudbusters in the hands of “weather control” hobbyists is shaping up to be a major environmental problem and whole ecosystems are threatened by people playing around with the weather from their backyards.
Many of these people have good intentions, but effecively zero knowledge of orgonomy. Others are motivated by irrational needs for power and a sense of control. The input of people coming from a background in the psychiatric side of orgonomy is sorely needed to help bring some semblence of rationality to the field.
I have a blog, http://www.orgonomicecology.blogspot.com/ on the issue and I urge you to take a good look at some of the articles I have posted there. Then, if you are interested, I have a discussion list, the Orgonomic Ecology list, and you would be welcome to sign up for it
at OrgonomicEcology-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk .
Joel Carlinsky
( Former orgone biophysics student of Dr. Eva Reich
Discussion Board | Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy
This message is posted on the discussion board, after being approved by the moderator, an M. D. who is a medical orgonomist and a board-certified psychiatrist. .
If you are against easy access to guns, what about cheap, easy access to cloudbusters? There are several websites selling cloudbusters or giving exact instructions on how to build one, and several hundred people on every continent have already done so.
I once spoke to Dr. Victor Sobey about this issue. He told me that when Reich invented the cloudbuster, in 1952, Sobey had been the only one to urge him not to publish because of the risk of misuse. Reich published anyway, but when I spoke to him, Sobey still felt he had been right and Reich should have kept his mouth shut.
Now, after many severe storms and floods have been caused by incompetent, irresponsible playing with cloudbusters, including the recent catastrophic floods in Queensland, Australia, it is becoming more and more obvious Sobey was right. We badly need a few people speaking up and demanding transparency and accountability in the use of the cloudbuster.
I was a student of Dr. Eva Reich, the daughter of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, and received tutoring from her in the field of orgone biophysics, including the use of the Reich cloudbuster. I also have long been active in the environmental movement, and it is from that perspective that I am conducting a campaign against atmosphere abusers who are engaging in cloudbuster malpractice.
Under normal conditions, the cloudbuster should only be used rarely, when there is an atmospheric problem such as a prolonged drought, to restore things to normal. Today, thanks mainly to the use of radioactivity in industry and warfare, the atmosphere is increasingly out of order and the cloudbuster is needed more than at any time in history.
Unfortunately, thanks in large part to the internet, many irresponsible people, not knowing much about cloudbusting and the proper use of it to restore natural, self-regulating conditions to a damaged atmosphere, are promoting it as a form of “weather control”, which is a form of malpractice that places the lives of innocent members of the public at risk.
In fact, this misuse of this device is a form of atmosphere abuse, comparable to abuse of children or animals, and causes further damage to the already damaged atmosphere, making restoration of natural self-regulation more difficult.
The indiscriminate proliferation of cloudbusters in the hands of “weather control” hobbyists is shaping up to be a major environmental problem and whole ecosystems are threatened by people playing around with the weather from their backyards.
Many of these people have good intentions, but effecively zero knowledge of orgonomy. Others are motivated by irrational needs for power and a sense of control. The input of people coming from a background in the psychiatric side of orgonomy is sorely needed to help bring some semblence of rationality to the field.
I have a blog, http://www.orgonomicecology.blogspot.com/ on the issue and I urge you to take a good look at some of the articles I have posted there. Then, if you are interested, I have a discussion list, the Orgonomic Ecology list, and you would be welcome to sign up for it
at OrgonomicEcology-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk .
Joel Carlinsky
( Former orgone biophysics student of Dr. Eva Reich