The atmosphere is not just a bunch of gases. It is a structure. It has distinct organized parts, just as a living body has distinct organs. And just as the different organs in the body have different roles to serve, and perform different functions, so do the various parts of the atmosphere.
Strong circulatory storm systems, including tornadoes, hurricanes, and other strong storms, are triggered into existence by a condition called "DOR". They are a reaction of the atmospheric energy field to the irritation of excess DOR. Some degree of DOR is normal, just as some waste products in the body are normal.
DOR consists of atmospheric energy that has stopped moving. It has become stagnant. The characteristic constant pulsatory motion of the normal atmospheric energy has ceased. It is "exhasted" , and stops moving.
This is a normal stage in the energetic metabolism of the atmosphere, just as a periodic need for sleep is not pathological in a human. But under some conditions, the build-up of DOR becomes too much for the usual cleansing processes of the atmosphere to metabolize and if something is not done, a drought will be the meteorological result. This corresponds to a human becoming sick.
So the surrounding, still moving, still living, atmospheric energy responds with a strong circulatory motion that gets the stagnated non-moving component, DOR, moving again. The worse the DOR-infestation, the stronger the reaction will be. And the stronger the circulatory motion triggered by the DOR build-up, the faster and more complete the elimination of the DOR infestation will be.
Before a tornado, the sky is "DORish", looking and feeling in a way that knowledgeable observers, familiar with what to look for and how their own bodies feel in a DOR atmosphere, will recognize as a DOR condition and from which, after some experience, they will expect a tornado. Even people who know nothing of DOR, if they have lived in areas where tornadoes are frequent, will make the connection and call it "tornado weather".
If a cloudbuster is used under such weather conditions to drain off the DOR,. it is possible to prevent the immediate on-set of tornadoes, but that would not be a good solution for the long run. It would never be possible to fully remove all the DOR, only to reduce it to slightly below the threshold that would trigger a reaction. Most of the DOR would remain, and would still have to be delt with later. And that time would come sooner than the next tornado would otherwise have come because there would still be more DOR around than if a tornado had taken place.
So cloudbusting operations to "prevent tornadoes" would need to be repeated at frequent intervals, and the risk of a failure, with an outbreak of more numerous and more powerful tornadoes, would become greater with each operation that only partially removed the DOR, leaving more each time.
Tornados also serve a public health role. DOR has direct biological effects as well as effects on the atmosphere. DOR sickness is a well-known, well-described disease condition caused by living in a DOR atmosphere. It has a wide range of DOR-specific symptoms which have been described in the literature.
More insidiously, it also weakens the entire biological system, reducing immune function and making the organism vulnerable to a long list of conditions that it would otherwise have been able to resist. Populations living in DOR-infested areas are significantly less healthy than those in areas with out significant DOR concentrations, though the effects require statistical analysis to detect since most of the conditions can occur anyway, just not in such great numbers.
In recent decades, the amount of DOR and the persistance of DOR conditions has become noticeably worse because of the widespread use of nucleat technology. High concentrations of intense radioactivity cause a reaction of the ambient energy called "oranuir", which persists for a while, and ends in formation of DOR as an end-product. The oranur process is itself toxic to all forms of life, and in the past 60-odd years, the amount of DOR in the atmosphere has increased greatly as a direct result of the employment of radioactivity. One result of this has been a general increase in strong storm systems, as the atmosphere reacts in an attempt to cleanse itself of DOR.
The current nuclear crisis in Japan has had a result of a series of strong storms that have been the reaction of the atmosphere to the irritation produced by the release of radioactivity. While there have been some concerns expressed that the storms could scatter the radioactive fallout farther that it would otherwise travel, from the point of view of the re-mobilization of DOR back into moving energy capable of supporting both life and normal meteorological processes, this reaction is a good thing and should be encouraged, not interfered with.
So any proposal to reduce or eliminate the incidence of tornadoes is sadly misguided, to say the least. Operations conducted for the purpose of preventing tornadoes should be considered a potential cause of droughts and an assault on the public health.
Any damage tornadoes may do is only local, and the importance of it compared to the long-term effects of high concentrations of DOR on both the functioning of the atmosphere and the health of the biosphere is insignificant.
A few tornadoes a year is a small price to pay to prevent the long-term droughts and decline in over-all health of all living organisms that would result from the absence of tornadoes.
The weather-control advocates do not see this because they lack the all-important theoretical knowledge of the orgone energy continuum which underlies weather activity.
And that is why I harp on the importance of having the correct theory so often and am so intolerant of people who propose alternate theories for which there is no evidence. It may be more polite, tactful, and diplomatic to consider everyone entitled to his opinion, but when those opinions lead to actions as important as trying to control the weather, there is no substitute for having the RIGHT opinion.
Joel Carlinsky
Strong circulatory storm systems, including tornadoes, hurricanes, and other strong storms, are triggered into existence by a condition called "DOR". They are a reaction of the atmospheric energy field to the irritation of excess DOR. Some degree of DOR is normal, just as some waste products in the body are normal.
DOR consists of atmospheric energy that has stopped moving. It has become stagnant. The characteristic constant pulsatory motion of the normal atmospheric energy has ceased. It is "exhasted" , and stops moving.
This is a normal stage in the energetic metabolism of the atmosphere, just as a periodic need for sleep is not pathological in a human. But under some conditions, the build-up of DOR becomes too much for the usual cleansing processes of the atmosphere to metabolize and if something is not done, a drought will be the meteorological result. This corresponds to a human becoming sick.
So the surrounding, still moving, still living, atmospheric energy responds with a strong circulatory motion that gets the stagnated non-moving component, DOR, moving again. The worse the DOR-infestation, the stronger the reaction will be. And the stronger the circulatory motion triggered by the DOR build-up, the faster and more complete the elimination of the DOR infestation will be.
Before a tornado, the sky is "DORish", looking and feeling in a way that knowledgeable observers, familiar with what to look for and how their own bodies feel in a DOR atmosphere, will recognize as a DOR condition and from which, after some experience, they will expect a tornado. Even people who know nothing of DOR, if they have lived in areas where tornadoes are frequent, will make the connection and call it "tornado weather".
If a cloudbuster is used under such weather conditions to drain off the DOR,. it is possible to prevent the immediate on-set of tornadoes, but that would not be a good solution for the long run. It would never be possible to fully remove all the DOR, only to reduce it to slightly below the threshold that would trigger a reaction. Most of the DOR would remain, and would still have to be delt with later. And that time would come sooner than the next tornado would otherwise have come because there would still be more DOR around than if a tornado had taken place.
So cloudbusting operations to "prevent tornadoes" would need to be repeated at frequent intervals, and the risk of a failure, with an outbreak of more numerous and more powerful tornadoes, would become greater with each operation that only partially removed the DOR, leaving more each time.
Tornados also serve a public health role. DOR has direct biological effects as well as effects on the atmosphere. DOR sickness is a well-known, well-described disease condition caused by living in a DOR atmosphere. It has a wide range of DOR-specific symptoms which have been described in the literature.
More insidiously, it also weakens the entire biological system, reducing immune function and making the organism vulnerable to a long list of conditions that it would otherwise have been able to resist. Populations living in DOR-infested areas are significantly less healthy than those in areas with out significant DOR concentrations, though the effects require statistical analysis to detect since most of the conditions can occur anyway, just not in such great numbers.
In recent decades, the amount of DOR and the persistance of DOR conditions has become noticeably worse because of the widespread use of nucleat technology. High concentrations of intense radioactivity cause a reaction of the ambient energy called "oranuir", which persists for a while, and ends in formation of DOR as an end-product. The oranur process is itself toxic to all forms of life, and in the past 60-odd years, the amount of DOR in the atmosphere has increased greatly as a direct result of the employment of radioactivity. One result of this has been a general increase in strong storm systems, as the atmosphere reacts in an attempt to cleanse itself of DOR.
The current nuclear crisis in Japan has had a result of a series of strong storms that have been the reaction of the atmosphere to the irritation produced by the release of radioactivity. While there have been some concerns expressed that the storms could scatter the radioactive fallout farther that it would otherwise travel, from the point of view of the re-mobilization of DOR back into moving energy capable of supporting both life and normal meteorological processes, this reaction is a good thing and should be encouraged, not interfered with.
So any proposal to reduce or eliminate the incidence of tornadoes is sadly misguided, to say the least. Operations conducted for the purpose of preventing tornadoes should be considered a potential cause of droughts and an assault on the public health.
Any damage tornadoes may do is only local, and the importance of it compared to the long-term effects of high concentrations of DOR on both the functioning of the atmosphere and the health of the biosphere is insignificant.
A few tornadoes a year is a small price to pay to prevent the long-term droughts and decline in over-all health of all living organisms that would result from the absence of tornadoes.
The weather-control advocates do not see this because they lack the all-important theoretical knowledge of the orgone energy continuum which underlies weather activity.
And that is why I harp on the importance of having the correct theory so often and am so intolerant of people who propose alternate theories for which there is no evidence. It may be more polite, tactful, and diplomatic to consider everyone entitled to his opinion, but when those opinions lead to actions as important as trying to control the weather, there is no substitute for having the RIGHT opinion.
Joel Carlinsky