The Pseudo-science And Pseudo-orgonomy Of Trevor Constable
by Joel Carlinsky
"They delude themselves with their patent
PSEUDOSCIENCE--and erroneously encourage a distrust of REAL SCIENCE among their followers. It is slip-shod, cocksure, pig-ignorant engineers .................... who give engineers a bad name among real scientists."
----------C.Leroy Ellenberger
This statement about certain people and their lack of attention to actual evidence applies well to the pseudo-Reichians like Trevor Constable who persist in trying to revise the orgonomic understanding of the universe, and in particular, of the atmosphere and the functioning of the cloudbuster.
So, at the risk of repeating myself once again, the cloudbuster DRAWS energy from the sky. It acts as a conduit to draw the energy from where it is pointed, and the attraction between orgone and water is what provides the drawing power. It does NOT "shoot out" energy. The water it is grounded into is what provides the attraction. The water does NOT provide the orgone energy. A cloudbuster MUST be grounded into water to function. It CANNOT be made to work without water grounding.
The pipes can be of almost any diameter, and of any length that is long enough. They are not "tuned" or "tunable" in the way a radio antenna is tuned. There are no "ratios" that are of any importance. Geometric shapes DO NOT produce orgone energy from nowhere and there is no geometric shape that emits orgone energy. Pleasing aesthetics, according to human perceptions, are not an indicator of scientific facts, no matter how attractive that idea may be from a human-centered philosophical point of view. The so-called ``Golden Section`` of the ancient Greek philosophers is not relevant to the functioning of a cloudbuster.
All of these false ideas of how a cloudbuster functions, along with many others, were introduced into the subject by Trevor Constable, and none of them is supported by any actual scientific evidence. On the contrary, Mr. Constable scorns evidence and bases his concepts of cloudbusting on his intuition, the pseudo-scientific field of ``radionics``, and the philosophical notions of the 19th century mystic, Rudolph Steiner.
All metal containers function to some degree as orgone accumulators, even a pile of steel wool, which can collect orgone from it's surroundings. The layering of an orgone accumulator helps to collect more than a steel box, but is NOT essential to collecting at least SOME additional charge compared to the open air.
So metal enclosures of whatever shape, and whatever dimensions, will have an orgone field surrounding them. And if those metal enclosures are spinning around rapidly, they will have an exciting effect on the atmosphere just as any fast-moving orgone accumulator would.
This exciting effect on the atmosphere will cause expansion of the atmospheric field, which under most normal conditions will work against rain. But if there is a drought underway, and the atmosphere is already in a state of expansion, and the presence of a high concentration of DOR is causing the orgone of the atmosphere to react against it by expanding, the ADDED excitation will cause the already over-stretched atmosphere to undergo a sudden contraction when it reaches it's capacity level.
There is no fixed amount of time for an operation to accomplish a result. The amount of time needed will vary considerably, depending on the initial conditions of the atmosphere, which will be different from time to time and from place to place. The more expanded the atmosphere is, the less extra excitation will be needed to push it over the edge into a sudden sharp contraction as a reaction to the added stress.
That will result in rain. The inexperienced operator, not understanding the orgonomic dynamics of the atmosphere, will be happy with this result, thinking he has "solved" the drought problem and "broken the drought" by "making rain", when in fact, he has done nothing of the kind. What he has done is caused an already over-charged atmosphere to react with a contraction to additional excitation.
The rain will not last long. When the atmosphere recovers from the excess excitation, it will still be infested with DOR and still stuck in a state of chronic expansion again. The drought will therefore resume and continue until the DOR is eliminated from the region.
The operator will be needed again to "break the new drought" and this pattern will need to be repeated over and over again until there is proper DOR-removal done. That may be all to the advantage of the commercial operator, who wants repeat business, but it is not good for either the atmosphere or the people who are therefore required to keep paying him for his services. Such "solving" of a persistent drought problem will never result in the return of normal, self-regulating alternation of expansion and contraction to the region, which should be the goal of any well-done. well-thought-out cloudbusting program.
All of which goes to explain why I do not consider the so-called ``improvements`` developed by Trevor Constable to be effective at healing the atmosphere. What they really do is vandalize it. And the recent proliferation of young and ignorant Trevor Constable wannabes like Ash Palise, the ignoramus who caused the recent floods in Queensland, Australia, tinkering around with his devices, is nothing but an additional amount of damage being inflicted on the atmosphere by people without any understanding of what they are doing.
The atmosphere is a self-regulating system, and like a living organism, works best when left alone. There is seldom any real justification for intervention. The bringing of the atmosphere under human control is a nightmare scenario that should not be allowed. But unfortunately, there are many authoritarian personalities who would welcome the development of a technology to control the weather. I have come to refer to them as "atmosphere abusers", since they exhibit close similarities to abusers of children, animals, and of nature in general.
Cloudbuster proliferation is a very serious threat to the environment and to the integrity of the atmosphere, and anyone seeking to use a cloudbuster to "control the weather" or do "weather engineering" is a dangerous fool who must be stopped. In particular, anyone who wants to resurrect the bogus pseudo-orgonomic misconceptions of Trevor Constable in place of the methods of cloudbusting developed by Wilhelm Reich is an even more dangerous fool.
The Constable equipment is not the "improvement" Constable claims it is and that his uncritical groupies take on faith. It is a method of torturing the atmosphere into artificially caused expansions and contractions without regard to the condition of the atmospheric energy or the effect of such artificial manipulation upon it. The ultimate effect is to worsen the condition of the already damaged and malfunctioning atmospheric energy field, not to improve it.
What the Constable system of ``weather engineering`` is doing is like beating a sick horse to make it run. It will work, up to the point when the horse dies from the abuse. And while it is indeed possible to force the already damaged atmosphere to produce rain by such methods, the long-term result will be a weakened atmosphere, farther away from being restored to sparkle and life and the easy self-regulation that enables it to produce rain spontaneously on a more or less regular basis.
Constable, in his 40-odd years of cloudbusting work, never did anything to help restore the atmosphere to natural, self-regulating functioning. He was a control-freak, a power-seeker, and an authoritarian personality who was only interested in dominating the atmosphere, not helping it to function better. Ash Palise, in seeking to become his successor, shows that he suffers from the same personality disorder. He acts like a schoolyard bully toward the atmosphere, seeking to dominate it and force it to yield to his will.
Such compulsive control-freaks, and their enablers like Jamie Ogg, who gets his kicks from encouraging their malpractice, are emerging as a threat to the self-regulating integrity of the atmosphere nearly equal in menace to the nuclear industry itself. It is long past time they were taken to task.
Many of the severe storms and other weather-related disasters that have been increasing in recent years have been wrongly ascribed to global warming, but should more properly be blamed on these hobbyists playing with their new toys. Joel Carlinsky
( Former Orgone Biophysics student of Dr. Eva Reich. )
by Joel Carlinsky
"They delude themselves with their patent
PSEUDOSCIENCE--and erroneously encourage a distrust of REAL SCIENCE among their followers. It is slip-shod, cocksure, pig-ignorant engineers .................... who give engineers a bad name among real scientists."
----------C.Leroy Ellenberger
This statement about certain people and their lack of attention to actual evidence applies well to the pseudo-Reichians like Trevor Constable who persist in trying to revise the orgonomic understanding of the universe, and in particular, of the atmosphere and the functioning of the cloudbuster.
So, at the risk of repeating myself once again, the cloudbuster DRAWS energy from the sky. It acts as a conduit to draw the energy from where it is pointed, and the attraction between orgone and water is what provides the drawing power. It does NOT "shoot out" energy. The water it is grounded into is what provides the attraction. The water does NOT provide the orgone energy. A cloudbuster MUST be grounded into water to function. It CANNOT be made to work without water grounding.
The pipes can be of almost any diameter, and of any length that is long enough. They are not "tuned" or "tunable" in the way a radio antenna is tuned. There are no "ratios" that are of any importance. Geometric shapes DO NOT produce orgone energy from nowhere and there is no geometric shape that emits orgone energy. Pleasing aesthetics, according to human perceptions, are not an indicator of scientific facts, no matter how attractive that idea may be from a human-centered philosophical point of view. The so-called ``Golden Section`` of the ancient Greek philosophers is not relevant to the functioning of a cloudbuster.
All of these false ideas of how a cloudbuster functions, along with many others, were introduced into the subject by Trevor Constable, and none of them is supported by any actual scientific evidence. On the contrary, Mr. Constable scorns evidence and bases his concepts of cloudbusting on his intuition, the pseudo-scientific field of ``radionics``, and the philosophical notions of the 19th century mystic, Rudolph Steiner.
All metal containers function to some degree as orgone accumulators, even a pile of steel wool, which can collect orgone from it's surroundings. The layering of an orgone accumulator helps to collect more than a steel box, but is NOT essential to collecting at least SOME additional charge compared to the open air.
So metal enclosures of whatever shape, and whatever dimensions, will have an orgone field surrounding them. And if those metal enclosures are spinning around rapidly, they will have an exciting effect on the atmosphere just as any fast-moving orgone accumulator would.
This exciting effect on the atmosphere will cause expansion of the atmospheric field, which under most normal conditions will work against rain. But if there is a drought underway, and the atmosphere is already in a state of expansion, and the presence of a high concentration of DOR is causing the orgone of the atmosphere to react against it by expanding, the ADDED excitation will cause the already over-stretched atmosphere to undergo a sudden contraction when it reaches it's capacity level.
There is no fixed amount of time for an operation to accomplish a result. The amount of time needed will vary considerably, depending on the initial conditions of the atmosphere, which will be different from time to time and from place to place. The more expanded the atmosphere is, the less extra excitation will be needed to push it over the edge into a sudden sharp contraction as a reaction to the added stress.
That will result in rain. The inexperienced operator, not understanding the orgonomic dynamics of the atmosphere, will be happy with this result, thinking he has "solved" the drought problem and "broken the drought" by "making rain", when in fact, he has done nothing of the kind. What he has done is caused an already over-charged atmosphere to react with a contraction to additional excitation.
The rain will not last long. When the atmosphere recovers from the excess excitation, it will still be infested with DOR and still stuck in a state of chronic expansion again. The drought will therefore resume and continue until the DOR is eliminated from the region.
The operator will be needed again to "break the new drought" and this pattern will need to be repeated over and over again until there is proper DOR-removal done. That may be all to the advantage of the commercial operator, who wants repeat business, but it is not good for either the atmosphere or the people who are therefore required to keep paying him for his services. Such "solving" of a persistent drought problem will never result in the return of normal, self-regulating alternation of expansion and contraction to the region, which should be the goal of any well-done. well-thought-out cloudbusting program.
All of which goes to explain why I do not consider the so-called ``improvements`` developed by Trevor Constable to be effective at healing the atmosphere. What they really do is vandalize it. And the recent proliferation of young and ignorant Trevor Constable wannabes like Ash Palise, the ignoramus who caused the recent floods in Queensland, Australia, tinkering around with his devices, is nothing but an additional amount of damage being inflicted on the atmosphere by people without any understanding of what they are doing.
The atmosphere is a self-regulating system, and like a living organism, works best when left alone. There is seldom any real justification for intervention. The bringing of the atmosphere under human control is a nightmare scenario that should not be allowed. But unfortunately, there are many authoritarian personalities who would welcome the development of a technology to control the weather. I have come to refer to them as "atmosphere abusers", since they exhibit close similarities to abusers of children, animals, and of nature in general.
The Constable equipment is not the "improvement" Constable claims it is and that his uncritical groupies take on faith. It is a method of torturing the atmosphere into artificially caused expansions and contractions without regard to the condition of the atmospheric energy or the effect of such artificial manipulation upon it. The ultimate effect is to worsen the condition of the already damaged and malfunctioning atmospheric energy field, not to improve it.
What the Constable system of ``weather engineering`` is doing is like beating a sick horse to make it run. It will work, up to the point when the horse dies from the abuse. And while it is indeed possible to force the already damaged atmosphere to produce rain by such methods, the long-term result will be a weakened atmosphere, farther away from being restored to sparkle and life and the easy self-regulation that enables it to produce rain spontaneously on a more or less regular basis.
Constable, in his 40-odd years of cloudbusting work, never did anything to help restore the atmosphere to natural, self-regulating functioning. He was a control-freak, a power-seeker, and an authoritarian personality who was only interested in dominating the atmosphere, not helping it to function better. Ash Palise, in seeking to become his successor, shows that he suffers from the same personality disorder. He acts like a schoolyard bully toward the atmosphere, seeking to dominate it and force it to yield to his will.
Such compulsive control-freaks, and their enablers like Jamie Ogg, who gets his kicks from encouraging their malpractice, are emerging as a threat to the self-regulating integrity of the atmosphere nearly equal in menace to the nuclear industry itself. It is long past time they were taken to task.
Many of the severe storms and other weather-related disasters that have been increasing in recent years have been wrongly ascribed to global warming, but should more properly be blamed on these hobbyists playing with their new toys.
I want to start a group or organization of some kind to combat this weather-manipulation malpractice. If you can help in this, or have any ideas of how to stop these people from interfering with the natural functioning of the atmosphere, please let me know.
I have a discussion list, , and a blog on the subject, and that will give you some more information. Please take a good look through it and then, if you have any questions or suggestions, let me know.
Thank you.
( Former Orgone Biophysics student of Dr. Eva Reich. )