All radioactive concentrations produce oranur to varying degrees. The worst at this time are the reprocessing stations that reprocess used nuclear fuel rods. They release a radioactive gas called Krypton 85 into the atmosphere. No attempt to contain it is made because it goes up to the upper atmosphere so it is thought to be harmless since it will not come in contact with life at the surface. But it causes an oranur excitation in the highly-charged upper atmosphere and this has effects on the weather. It also has health effects at the surface which would not be expected or explicable except with a knowledge of the oranur experiment.
So, while the problem is not exactly the same as in Reich´s time, it is still a problem. The ongoing breakdown in climate stability all over the world is one symptom. Another is the much faster rate of disintegration of red blood cells after removal from the body, as seen in the Reich Blood Test. When Reich wrote about this test in the early 1940s, he told how long it took for the cells to begin to lose their cohesion. It takes much less time now. According to Reich, this faster disintegration time is what would be expected to be found in a pre-cancer or pre-leukimia subject.
And today it is considered normal.
There is a lot of detailed information on the Reich Blood Test and the findings about it in recent years on the several websites of John Trettin. Most of it is in German, but if you can read it or get it translated, it will give an indication of what I am talking about.
There is a lot of nuclear material all over this planet now. Not only the large, power-generating reactors the public sees, but also there are more than 100 nuclear-powered ships, both surface and submarines, a lot of small research and training reactors at universities, and a lot of nuclear materials being shipped in both ships and airplanes all over the world for medical and industrial uses.
The worst single source of atmospheric oranur is the French nuclear fuel reprocessing station at Cap Le Harve, whgich releases more radioactive KR85 gas into the atmosphere than any other single source. The British nuclear station at Sellafield in is second place for a single source of radioactive pollution of the environment.
The United States alone has more than 40,000 nuclear warheads stockpiled, and every country which has an American miliary base has them. The American Air Force has one third of its planes in the air at all times, constantly moving to avoid being a target, and carrying armed nuclear weapons. Each such weapon, when armed, is a source of as much oranur excitation as an average-sized reactor.
The USA has also been using radioacive dust to contaminate large areas of Iraq, Afganistan, and Australia, and that dust does not just stay in the countries they are trying to poison; it travels on the wind and has been detected all over Europe by now.
Add in all the ships and weapons Russia, China, Japan, Pakistan, India, Israel, and the other nucllear-armed countries have, and you can see how much damage must be happening to the orgone field of the whole planet. Collectively, all these sources of oranur have reduced the orgone charge of the earth by about 35% since the early 40s, as measured by the change in breakdown rate of the blood seen in the Reich Blood Test.
Europe, like everywhere else, has had forest death, which is blamed on acid rain, AIDS, which is blamed on a virus, increases in cancer, which is blamed on better diagnosis techniques and longer life-spans, mental illness, which is blamed on stresses of modern life, alcoholism, which is blamed on drinking alcohol, drug addiction, which is blamed on poverty, and unusual weather, which is blamed on combustion of fuels.
The list of symptoms is as long as the list of causes, and it is not worthwhile usually to try to figure out which particular source of oranur is the cause of which particular symptom. The atmospheric breakdown due to oranur is all-pervasive. It is a global problem. Changes in local weather in any one part of the earth are only one of many possible symptoms.
But while oranur is already a global problem, cloudbusters are still a problem on a small enough scale that it is still possible to sometimes figure out which cloudbuster project is the cause of a particular weather event. At least, so far. But the point is now near when, thanks to the internet making it so easy to spread the word around about how to build cloudbusters, cloudbuster proliferation will be so extensive that it will no longer be practical to bother trying to figure out who caused any given weather anomoly. If there are too many cloudbusters operating all over the place without any of them knowing about each other, it would make little difference if there were a few more or a few less. The result would still be atmospheric chaos.
My statement that the orgone field of the earth is about 35% weaker than it was in the early 1940s is based on the results of the Reich Blood Test. Reich gave fairly exact times of disintegration for the red blood cells after they are removed from the body and used the time it took as an indication of the over-all health and vitality of the organism. The blood cells now start to fall apart much faster than the times Reich gave for that to happen, indicating an orgonomic weakness.
The basic written material is in the Cancer Biopathy, and more detailed information is available in the pamphlet, The Reich Blood Test, by Dr. Chester Raphael. Both are available from the Wilhelm Reich Museum. The more recent figures are not in print, but have been confirmed by several orgonomists. I was told about it by Eva Reich as long ago as the late 1980s, and the situation has only gotten worse since then. I know Dr. Richard Blasband did some test of the so-called "atomic veterans" who had been ordered into close proximity to above-ground nuclear tests in the 1950s, and found them all in a state that would have been considered pre-cancerous in Reich´s time. There was an article in the Journal of Orgonomy around that time that said nearly everyone now has a blood picture that Reich, in the 40s, would have diagnosed as pre-cancerous.
The oranur field around a nuclear reactor is not dependent on wind direction. It surrounds the reactor in all directions, independent of wind direction, and cannot be detected by conventional instruments, but has both biological and meteorlogical effects. A Japanese anti-nuclear group used a species of spiderwort plant which is particularly sensitive to low-level radiation, as a biological detector, and found that the plants, planted in concentric circles all around a reactor, showed the microscopic cellular damage of radiation exposure in correlation to their proximity to the reactor, and in all directions equally, regardless of the prevailing wind. At the same time, no man-made instrument could detect any radiation, even right up against the containment vessel.
In the opening chapters of the Oranur Experiment, First Report, the chapters which are not included in the volume, Selected Writings, Reich says all high-voltage AC sources produce the same general effect as radioactive substances do, but milder and to a lesser degree. I have seen high-tension power-transmission lines break up small cumulus clouds, and once,when I used a diathermy machine next to a cloudbster, I saw the same effects as I later saw when I placed a needle of radium inside an accumulator. So I consider any high-voltage A.C. power source to be oranurgenic.
That is why I recognized the effect when I saw it described on the Weather Rangers website. David Wells was working on a reflexive electric motor when he noticed that when he left it on, clouds were breaking up over his workshop. He did not know the same phenomena had been observed and reported by Reich over 50 years ago, and thought he had discovered something new that could be used to "control weather". But in reality, all it does is DESTROY weather, killing the orgone energy that moves the weather, just as a nuclear reactor does, though to a lesser degree.
If anyone familiar with the later work of Reich had been around to advise him, Wells would have avoided the colossal error of anouncing the discovery of a weather control machine and starting a group of super-heroes to put on their masks and capes and fly around "saving the innocent" from "bad weather". If he had been a scientist instead of an electrical engineer, he would have done a lot of research before going public with it. And if he had been a businessman, he would have tried to commercialize it. But being a guy who grew up reading super-hero comic books he started the Mighty Morphin´ Weather Rangers super-hero club instead.
High-tension power lines, radar and microwave dishes, radio and television transmitters, and other such equipment all have the same basic effect as a reactor, but less, according to the amount of power output involved. The Weather Rangers should be called the Weather DErangers, since that is what they are really doing.
There is little doubt that the polar ice is melting. There is however, considerable room for debate about why. The conventional view that the whole earth is getting warmer because of a supposed "greenhouse effect" from a build-up of CO2 in the atmosphere from combustion of fossil fuels is not really supported by the evidence. Neither is the usual dismissal of the warming trend as only another stage in a long-term natural cycle caused by variation in the output of solar energy. The warming of the poles is clearly of human origin, but is also clearly NOT caused by any "greenhouse effect" from burning of coal and oil.
What I think it is, is the widespread use of nuclear power. The reprocessing of nuclear reactor fuel rods releases a radioactive gas, Kr85, into the atmosphere. This gas goes up to higher levels, so it is considered harmless to life at the surface. No effort is therefore made to contain it. As a radiuoactive gas, it consists of charged particles. When charged particles enter the field of a magnet, they migrate to the poles. Since the earth is a giant bar magnet, the Kr85 tends to collect at the poles. There, at high altitudes, it interacts with the natural high charge at that altitude, resulting in a net increase in charge of the poles.
Strong tropical storms, including those that become strong enough to be classed as huricanes, form near the equator. These storm systems are highly charged systems. How far they travel toward the poles depends on two factors: the strength of the charge of the storm, and that of the pole that is attracting them poleward. As charge builds up at the poles, these tropical storms are being attracted farther and farther towartd the poles, bringing tropical heat with them. This transport of heat from the tropics toward the poles is warming up the polar regions and giving the illusion that the entire earth is getting warmer.
The increase in strong storms being drawn toward the poles is also causing more frequent and severe weather in the temperate zones, which give added support to the "global warming" theory because an increase in frequency and severity of storms is also predicted by that theory. This is coincidence, however, not really a confirmation of the "global warming" hypothesis.
That storm tracks in the North Atlantic are influenced by solar flare activity coinciding with the influx of charge from space which tends to build up at the poles has been known since the early 1970s, at least, from the work opf Ralph Markson, of M.I.T. The current ongoing increase in charge at the poles is from man-made, not astronomical, origins, but the effect is the same. The poles are attracting more and more storms and tropical air masses and the effects will accelerate as long as nuclear power is in use on this planet.
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