Thank you for communicating to me your ideas on the subject.
I agree with you that since the information is public there is no point in trying to hide it, but the conclusion I draw is that therefore there is no reason for me to be silent about it. Anyone who learns about it for the first time from me is not likely to fall into the trap of thinking it can be understood on a basis of mechanistic physics.
Contrary to what you may think, I am not a Luddite. I am not against all cloudbusting. I am in favor of it being done properly and with due concern for the environment. So far, you have failed to show either such concern or the knowledge of ecology required to implement it.
You say:
"If all inventions were suppressed , we would live like animals and use no tools to aid our survival . We would be in danger of being killed by the rest of the animals . Fortunately we invented things to keep us alive."
Does it occur to you that we somehow managed to stay alive for not only thousands, but MILLIONS of years without this invention you think is so vital to out survival? You show considerable egotism, amounting to hubris, if you think the survival of the human race depends on your personal contribution.
What you really express is a fear of nature. This irrational fear of the natural environment is very common in this modern world. It is, in fact, at the roots of all environmental problems. Your evident technophilia is a symptom of this fear. Technology is by definition, man's attempt to control nature, and the motivation is at the deepest level, a fear of nature inside oneself, which is based on the endemic sexual repression in this culture and is projected outwards onto the convenient screen of the natural world in the technophiliac personality.
You are right that everything I say is based on the orgone theory first developed by Reich. That theory has stood the test of 58 years of successful cloudbusting operations by numerous individuals, and so far you have not presented any information upon which to form an opinion that it should be modified.
"Wave interference" is a concept derived from conventional electromagnetic theory. It is a part of the mechanistic scientific paradigm that cannot explain the behavior of the atmosphere because in the real world, nature does not behave mechanisticly.
What you call "wave interference" is one manifestation of what is seen in orgonomy as superimposition of streams of orgone energy in the atmosphere, a much broader concept that ranges from the far reaches of space through the formation of galaxies, the formation of the solar system and planets, including earth, and the behavior of the atmosphere and all living organisms. For you to imagine "there is no DOR" is the height of ignorance, and in someone who presumes to force the world to live in whatever weather he decides to inflict on it constitutes criminal insanity.
Your focus on Sedona, Arizona is an artifact of your location near the center of the North American continent. The galactic stream that brings orgone energy to earth from space impinges on North America at a point near San Diego, California, and travels Northeastward from there, crossing your location in a direction of travel that you apparently have mistaken for a universal situation instead of a local one.
So far, you have not addressed any of the numerous issues I have raised in my several e-mails on the subject. Instead, you presume to lecture me to the effect that I should abandon the results of over 40 years of observation and practical experience in favor of a theory for which you have not presented any evidence at all.
Instead of simply dismissing the orgonomic theory, you would be much better off if you studied it and tried to learn something. I have my doubts about the ability of someone who exhibits such an ingrained fear of nature to grasp the principles involved, but it might be worth a try. Who knows? You might prove me wrong.
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And take part in discussions on the subject.
Joel Carlinsky
( Former student of Dr. Eva Reich, M.D., in the field of orgone biophysics )
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