Dear Mr. Feliciano,
Thank you for finally deciding to write to me. It is about time.
Thank you for finally deciding to write to me. It is about time.
I appologize for perhaps being a bit too agressive at first contact, but please understand that I was reacting to the slanders and personal attacks of Ash Palise. He had posted a request for volunteers to the orgonomy mailing list, but would not say what the project was that he wanted them to volunteer for. I correctly guessed what it was and sent that information to the OML, which caused him to start ranting and slandering me. If my introduction to you had been by some other means, I might have been less confrontational.
But none of the other Weather Rangers has called Ash on his bad behavior. So as far as I have any way of knowing, most of you agree with him.
But you yourself have sent to the Weather Rangers website links to defamatory material posted about me on the website of James DeMeo. DeMeo has plenty of motive to slander me and try to discredit me because I have written several articles severely critical of his incompetent cloudbusting work over the years. He has caused a lot of damage and killed a lot of people and I have exposed that, so of course he has reason to try to discredit me.
It was very ill-advised of you to take his and his friends writings about me at face value instead of checking them out and finding out if he might have a motive to say bad things against me.
And in any case, regardless of my personal character, past actions, or whom I associate with, the issues I have raised of environmental impact of weather operations are valid issues, not dependent on who I am or whatever I may or may not have done 30 years ago or what magazine I may have published an article in, or even if I am sane or not. You did not address any of the issues I raised. What you did was post a link to the personal attacks by DeMeo and his suporters.
I have built many orgone accumulators, orgone blankets, medical DOR-busters, cloudbusters, and other orgone-related equipment over the last 40 years, and having had personal instruction from Dr. Eva Reich, and having a letter from her in which she says she considers me "very knowledgeable in this field", I consider myself qualified to understand how an orgone accumulator works without having to read any books on quantum physics as you suggest, thank you.
And the main issues I have been trying to raise with you and your associates do not concern if your device works or not,or if it does, how it does it. The scientific issues are only of secondary importance. What I have been trying to get across is the issue of damage to the environment. Having worked with several environmental activist groups, I think I am as knowledgeable about ecology as I am about orgonomy, but still, if I was going to undertake a long-term cloudbusting program covering a wide area, I would want to consult an ecologist familiar with that area before deciding to do it or not.
That sort of thing, an Environmental Impact Study, is standard procedure nowadays, and there is no excuse for just going off and doing something that could have a major impact onthe ecosystem without at least making a serious effort to find out what the effects and implications might turn out to be that might not have been anticipated.
Regarding your third point,
"3. You say David Wells' weather machines produce Oranur. Does an
Oranur producer create rain? Placed in the proper Earth magnetic
direction David's machines create rain, and plenty of it. Might not
these machines be Orgone stabilizers rather than the monstrosities you
purport them to be?"
Oranur producer create rain? Placed in the proper Earth magnetic
direction David's machines create rain, and plenty of it. Might not
these machines be Orgone stabilizers rather than the monstrosities you
purport them to be?"
My answer is No, they cannot. An electrical device is still an electrical device, no matter what "circuit" may be involved. It runs on ordinary household electrical current. This kind of current is a secondary form of energy originally drawn from the universal orgone energy ocean surrounding the earth by a Farady generator, and all forms of secondary energy irritate the basic orgone energy without any exceptions. If a device is powered by Faradic current, it will inevitably produce an oranur effect, differing only in intensity from that produced by radioactive materials.
The important thing about any electrical device is that it is electrical. All other things about it are of minor importance compared to that. It is the use of Faradic current, not how a particular circuit is configured, that determines that the device will create an oranur excitation in the orgone around it.
This understanding is fundamental to the orgonomic understanding of how the universe works and is not going to be changed by suggesting I read a book on some other subject by someone who does not understand orgone biophysics. If you want to claim that an electrical device can violate well-established basic fundamental principles of orgone biophysics that have stood up to some 70 years of testing by numerous orgonomicly-oriented scientists, you will need to present a lot of solid evidence, not anecdotal stories by backyard enthusiasts who do not even bother to keep records of what they do.
In my opinion, your device cannot do what you think it can, but contrary to what a mainstream mechanistic physicist would expect, it does do something, and that something is enough to account for your thinking it can do what you think it can. But what it really is doing is damaging to the orgone field of this planet. Any effect it may have on weather is just a side-effect of that damage.
But even if the oranur field generated by the machine was not a factor, and the weather effects were what you say they are and were all that had to be considered, the other environmental issues I have raised would still stand. I have spoken to many people about this subject, including many who know nothing of orgonomy, and so far, nobody has had any trouble grasping that it is foolish to tamper with such prominent natural phenomena as hurricanes.
One does not need to have ever heard of orgone to understand that. I made several reasons clear enough in some of the messages I sent to you and your associates, and so far, you still have not delt with them. Instead of trying to convince me the machine works, or that I should abandon 40 years of solid observations of how orgone energy behaves and accept some quantum physics theory on a basis of reading a book, why not start with dealing with the main and most important issue: What is the the proper and responsible use of weather-modification technologies of any kind?
I have sent you and the others of your group several suggestions along those lines. So far, no response.
Joel Carlinsky
Joel Carlinsky
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