From: R...........................
Subject: Re: Oranur, Technophilia, and Hubris
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 12:01 PM
Hello, Joel Carlinsky.
Thank you for emailing me, a semi retired psychiatrist in Oakland, CA, this and other recent essays referring to "Weather Rangers". Do you consider Trevor Constable, James DeMeo, Ph.D. and/or Richard Blasband, M.D. to be 'same as' or 'similar to' weather rangers in the effects of their research and publications?... Differences ?.. Thank you for a reply. Cordially, R..........., M.D.
My reply was:
No, I do not consider the people you mentioned in the same catagory as the Weather Rangers. There are many important differences.
I have often been very critical of DeMeo for not being as careful of ecological factors as he could be and sometimes not taking into account orgonomic knowledge which he should have been able to figure out by mere logic from what he knows, but sometimes forgets in the course of an operation. But he does know the facts of orgonomy. And he does try to work within them when he remembers to do so. That is a far cry from the incredible ignorance and major interference with important weather systems that the Weather Rangers have made their outspoken policy. I cannot imagine DeMeo doing anything as stupid as they are doing. He means well, but needs to be reminded at times of things he knows but forgets.
As for Blasband, I have been critical of him for many things, including being a friend of ex-Nazis, getting into mysticism, toruring mice in bogus cancer experiments, and supporting the early work of Trevor Constable. But I have not had anything critical to say about his cloudbusting because except for what Jerome Eden said about his having screwed up an operation in California in 1977 due to cloudbuster anxiety, I do not know of anything he did wrong in that field. His published reports in the Journal Of Orgonomy are all perfectly respectable work except for the last one, an overview of the field, in which he veers off into mysticism. I know of no harm done by any of his operations, so I have not been critical of him for his cloudbusting work, only for failing to recognize how dangerously mad Constable was.
Constable is a very capable and competent psychopath, and has made several very important original discoveries in cloudbusting. That he lies about them, claims more than he has actually done, and mixes Steinerian mysticism into his theories is not the problem. That he is a power-freak, and uses picturesque descriptions like "swinging the atmosphere around like a small dog on a leash", or "take the Orgone by the balls and it will talk. Any other aproach and it laughs at you" should tell you as a psychiatrist something about the way he does cloudbusting. Blasband should have seen how power-drunk the man was, but did not until Eden and I blew the whistle on him. I attribute that bit of blindness to Blasband's latent mysticism.
Constable has done a lot of damage with the cloudbuster over his 40-odd years in the field, most of it intentional, causing serious floods by consistantly shooting for rainfall records to convince people his operations worked, but he is retired now and the only thing we have to worry about from him now is the legacy he left us of followers who think he is the greatest thing to come along in orgonomy since Reich invented orgasms.
The Weather Rangers, however, are poised to do more harm than Constable and DeMeo ever did. They do not know anything at all about orgone energy. They have just accidently made a discovery of a device that creates an oranur field, noticed it can do things to the weather, and without realizing that what it does is harmful or that it is also a public health menace, they are pushing it as a great thing to make it possible to destroy the atmospheric life energy.
DeMeo and Constable never did anything as willfully stupid as deliberately causing oranur. These Weather Derangers are trying to create oranur fields to break up much-needed storms and will end up killing what little is left of the life energy of the earth. And their reaction if you try to tell them of what Reich discovered is that their machine has nothing to do with Reich or orgone. They think it works on some crazy new principle that nobody ever knew about before.
You are invited to join my new discussion list, Orgonomic Ecology,
to receive more mailings on this topic and speak up and say what you think about these issues. It would be a good thing to have a voice familiar with orgonomic psychology on the list. Your imput would be appreciated.
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