Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather
Coincidental to Experimental Operations
with a Reich Cloudbuster.
With the Appendix,
Evidence for a Principle of Atmospheric Continuity
And a New Preface, 2010.
by James DeMeo, PhD
is a re-print of his 1978 master's thesis on the cloudbuster, done at the University of Kansas. Dr. DeMeo had chosen his thesis topic while still an undergraduate in Florida, then searched all over the United States for a university that would allow him to do a thesis on it. He found a Professor Robert Nunley, in the Goegraphy Department at K.U., who had had some of his own work ridiculed by the scientific establishment, and was later vindicated. Nunley, as a result of his own experiences, agreed to help DeMeo gain acceptance.
But it was a rocky road. Two members of the thesis committee quit in protest over the thesis, not because of the topic, but because of what they regarded as shoddy science. Although DeMeo managed to derive enough material for a 300-page thesis from his cloudbusting experiments, he had, at the time he finished writing the thesis, only conducted a total of SEVEN cloudbusting operations. To obtain ANY statistical conclusion from a total of only seven examples is torturing the statistics beyond what is normally accepted in science.
Since the aim of the thesis was to test the effectiveness of the cloudbuster to see if it really had an effect on the weather or not, there could be only two possible outcomes for each individual operation: it either worked or it did not. Either a yes or a no.
So think about it for a moment. If an extraterrestrial UFO beamed up SEVEN humans to find out about the sexual distribution among humans, they would have to conclude that there are four males to every three females, or four females to every three males in the human species. Seven is simply not a large enough sample to reveal the true ratio of males to females.
It is also not a large enough sample to tell if the cloudbuster works or not. There are only two possible answers to the question for each operation, and to reach a firm conclusion it would be necessary to analyze a larger sample.
It should also be noted that this thesis, done to meet a university requirement, is the only one of the author's numerous publications that actually tells how the operation was done. This was something he disliked having to do, but was forced to because of the standard scientific requirement that a scientific report must include enough information to permit independent replication. Dr. DeMeo usually refuses to reveal his procedures for fear that someone else might thereby be able to conduct cloudbusting operations independently of himself.
For that reason, he now, in making this volume available, will only sell it to a very restricted group of people who meet with his approval. This self-censorship of scientific information will not help in convincing the rightly skeptical scientific community of the validity of his work, which is his alleged aim.
In the past, I have pointed out that all his other publications on the subject fail to disclose sufficient detail to rise to the level of scientific reporting, and that therefore no scientific report on cloudbusting has ever been published by him with the sole exception of this thesis. Now, having produced a book version of the thesis, he continues his policy of censorship by restricting the readership top people who meet with his personal approval. Therefore, this publication still does nothing to meet the normal scientific requirement to make public one's research.
It should be noted, however, that a photocopy edition of this thesis has long been available to anyone with the money to buy it from University Microfilms in Ann Arbor, Michigan. So the attempt to restrict the readership is already moot.
But many years of experience has demonstrated that a lack of detailed information on how to conduct cloudbusting operations does not discourage anyone from trying. Hundreds of people who have only the sketchiest information on cloudbusting have made the attempt, and by now it should be obvious that it is better to give them the information they need to do it properly than to have them doing it anyway without that information.
But unfortunately, the reader wishing to learn how to do cloudbusting will be disappointed after reading this book. There is very little information given here that is not already available elsewhere, especially in the writings of Wilhelm Reich. Even more disappointing, given that the information here is now over thirty years old, is that no further development has taken place in this field. That Dr. DeMeo feels it necessary to re-print a work over thirty years old shows the paucity of development in the field of cloudbusting.
A large part of that is the orientation revealed in this thesis. The emphasis is on providing "proof" to non-believers, not on aquiring new knowledge. The purpose of the work undertaken was to convince skeptical scientists. But science is not about winning converts. Science is supposed to be about learning more about nature. It is not the function of a scientist to convince reluctant collegues of something he already is convinced of. It is the job of a scientist to study natural phenomena, and report what he finds.
Dr.DeMeo is not alone in this erroneous misconception of the job of a scientist. Nearly everyone involved in orgonomy makes the same error. The unfortunate history of orgonomy has resulted in an obcession with "proving" orgone energy exists, or in the case of cloudbusting, "proving" the cloudbuster can affect the weather.
And while all the effort has been focused on trying to win converts, hardly anything has been done to learn more about how the atmospheric orgone energy behaves under normal conditions, which is the all-important first step to learning how the technique of cloudbusting could be improved.
This edition also contains two articles on the theory of the ether, both of which are posted on the author's website. They are both good articles, and I have several times suggested them to people. If Dr. DeMeo would only stick to writing such scientific historical articles and leave cloudbusting alone, both he and the world would be much better off.
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