The cloudbuster is a simple device invented by Wilhelm Reich to revive exhausted atmospheric energy and it can restore normal weather conditions to a wide area if properly applied. It is the only means known by which an atmosphere that has been damaged by radioactivity can be restored to normal behavior.
If we lived on a planet inhabited by a sane species, it would be used to do so. But then, if the humans were sane, there would be no need for it because there would be no widespread use of radioactivity in the first place.
So instead of being used to restore a damaged atmosphere to normal functioning, the cloudbuster is now being misused by fools to "control the weather", as they like to claim. It is an unfortunate side-effect of the cloudbuster that it is able to alter weather conditions in other, more direct, ways than just restoring normal weather patterns. It can be misused to cause rain or stop rain. It can be misused to change the course of a large storm system. It can be misused to bring colder or warmer air masses into a region. It can be misused to allow individuals with a political or economic agenda to inflict the weather they want on an unsuspecting public.
In his very first publication on cloudbusting, Reich stated: "Lawful regulation of cloudbusting will be essential if chaos is to be avoided". He was right, and since no such regulation is currently in effect, the present situation is the very chaos he predicted.
The advent of the internet has spread the details of how to build a cloudbuster around the world, available to anyone with a computer, and today there are many websites that tell how to make a workable cloudbuster. And none of them tells anything about how to use it properly and safely.
Even worse, many of these internet sites are aimed at precisely the wrong sort of people, people from a background in subjects like physics and engineering, people who are infatuated with the ideology of new inventions and new technologies, and people like farmers, with a vested interest in a particular kind of weather, not in a normally-functioning ewnvironment that is good for the entire ecosystem.
In short, people who cannot be expected to understand the concepts behind the cloudbuster or abide by sensible procedures.
Many of them so misunderstand the concepts or are so fixated on their own brilliance that they imagine they have invented a great new improvement on the original design. None of these "great new improvements" are really an improvement. The cloudbuster is the most simple and direct way to accomplish what it is for. No further improvement is possible because any changes would only make it more complicated and less direct.
Some of these "new, improved" designs are harmful to the functioning of the atmosphere, and cause droughts and other problems. Many of them incorporate some form of electrical device into the design, and any device using electrical current cannot help the atmospheric energy recover the slow and regualar pulsation that is a prerequisite for normal regularly-recuring rainfall, but only serves to add more irritation to the field surrounding the cloudbuster, and that is transfered to the atmosphere, causing an exacerbation of any previously-existing drought tendency.
Others make claims for having obtained results that are simply not possible. If someone says he has been able to reliably and consistantly start rain and stop rain within ten minutes every time he tries, he is lying; the atmosphere simply does not respond that way to a cloudbuster, and the fantasies of a control-freak who obviously has never really tried cloudbusting are added to the vast store of misinformation floating around on the internet and help to get more control-freaks interested in the field.
Some authoritarian personalities enjoy the idea that now, at long last, the weather is under human control, by which they mean, of course, their control, not anyone elses, and they rationalize that they are comic-book superheroes, "saving lives" from bad weather, or rescuing farmers from droughts and floods. But typically, they lack the concept that there can be such a thing as a normal, healthy, well-functioning atmosphere that does not need any intervention and a sick, damaged, malfunctioning atmosphhere that has already been disrupted by what humans have done to it and needs to be healed, not subjected to further disruption.
And then there are the fantasists who indulge in role-playing games in which they imagine they are fighting off some alien invaders or evil secret plotters in some secret government agency who are attacking earth with some secret chemicals being sprayed out of airplanes or spaceships, and they incorporate cloudsbusters, or sometimes some home-made gadgets they think are cloudbusters, into their game. Most of these role-players are so wrapped up in their fanasy-lives that they get furious and abusive towards anyone who does not join in their fantasy. If you express any disagreement with their ideas, they vehemently accuse you of being in league with the aliens or part of the secret government plot.
Still others conduct large-scale "desert-greening" projects without any attempt to obtain any input from an ecologist or prepare an environmental impact statement. These people may think they are doing a good deed, but their lack of information on the ecology of the area they are trying to help usually ends up resulting in massive vandalism of the fragile desert ecosystem.
And some are mystical personalities who think they can learn something useful about how nature functions and how to do cloudbusting from the writings of mystics like Rudolph Steiner, or from dowsing with a pendulum. I have even heard of one group who think they can remove residual radioactivity left over from atomic bomb tests by burning cow manure in a Hindu ritual!
There are now at least several hundred individuals playing around with cloudbusters, and since the range covered by a single cloudbuster can often exceed several hundred miles, cloudbuster proliferation has become a major environmental problem and the energetic environment of this planet is being subjected to almost constant assault by hundreds of incompetent, irresponsible operators of home-built cloudbusters, none of whom has any understanding of either ecology or the energetic continuum that underlies all ecological functioning.
To be done properly, any cloudbusting project should include input from an ecologist right at the start, in the planning stages, and should be closely monitored by an ecologist throughout the project.
A responsible cloudbuster operator also should post his plans in advance so others who might also be attempting cloudbusting in the same general area will know what is happening and there will be less chance of inadvertent interference with each other.
A responsible operator would carry insurance to guarentee compensation to anyone who might suffer damages from an operation.
And a responsible operator would willingly comply with all relevant environmental protection laws.
Please feel free to post this article anyplace and send it to any individual of group who you think might be interested and pass it on to your contacts and ask them to do the same.
Joel Carlinsky
( Former orgone biophysics student of Dr. Eva Reich )
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