Cloudbusters Are Now In Second Place As A Cause Of Climate Breakdown And Atmospheric Destabilization. Most Of The Deterioration In Climate Stability That Is Conventionally Being Ascribed To Greenhouse Gases Is In Fact Being Caused By Backyard Hobbyists Playing With Cloudbusters.
1. Water vapor is around 100 times as efficient as a greenhouse gas as CO2 is, and there is at least 100 times as much of it in the atmoasphere, so the net greenhouse effect from water vapor is at least 10,000 times as great as that of CO2. And since the normal variation in the amount of water vapor is more than 15% from any one year to another, any contribution from CO2 would be lost in the background and undetectable.
2. Plants take up CO2 and in sealed greenhouses, with extra CO2 pumped in, they grow bigger and faster. If there were actually more CO2 in the air today than there was 50 years ago, any old farmer or gardener would tell you his plants are growing bigger now than they did 50 years ago. Since there has been no noticeable increase in plant growth, there has been no increase in CO2, no matter what the scientists may claim their instruments measure.
3. Moose in New England are moving south. In colonial times, they were found as far south as central New Jersey, but starting in the 1840s, at the end of the Little Ice Age, when the climate became warmer than it had been for the last 400 years, they moved north and when I was growing up in New England, they were found only in Maine and the far north of Vermont and New Hampshire. Now, for the last 30 years, they have been moving south and are now permanent residents in Mass. and have been seen as far south as New Jersey.
The reason is that there is a small fly that gets into their ears and drives them crazy. They stay to the north of its' range. When the climate warmed up in the 1840s, the fly expanded north and the moose moved north to stay away from it. So if the moose are moving south again, that fly is contracting its' range southward, and they are now again able to follow it south.
So the climate, at least during the part of the year in which these flies breed, is getting COLDER, not warmer. And I simply do not care how many scientists say otherwise or what their reasons for saying it might be. They are wrong. And if all the so-called "scientists" on earth say one thing and the moose tell me the opposite, I will trust the moose, not modern science.
The whole issue of climate destabilization has been so politicized that nothing reported in the scientific journals can be trusted. And there is no scientific consensus, no matter what the claims are to the contrary. But even if there was a consensus, science is not a democracy and the question of who is right cannot ever be settled by a vote. It can only be settled by citing the EVDENCE, not by citing the numbers of scientists who believe it. It is entirely possible for 100% of all scientists to be dead wrong on some issue. That has happened many times.
Any scientist who thinks the climate is gettting warmer is simply going according to a theory and ignoring the evidence. The greenhouse gases theory is wrong, but it happens to be the only theory they know of, so they go with it in spite of evidence to the contrary.
Most climate scientists today do not even look at any evidence outside their offices. What they look at are computer print-outs. They do almost all their work with computer models, not observations of the natural world outside their windows. And a computer model is only as good as the assumptions they put into it.
They see changes happening in climate. That is true. And they see that the changes match the growth in numbers and industrial activity of humans. That is also true. And they see the match in time as evidence that there is a cause and effect relationship between climate changes and human activities. That is also true.
But then they make a typical mistake that is very common in science. They do not know any way to explain how human actions could be causing the climate changes except the greenhouse gases theory, so they conclude that it must be greenhouses gases that are causing the climate changes.
They are wrong. The bulk of the climate collapse is being caused by oranur effects. Oranur is caused by radioactivity. It is caused by electromagnetic technology. It is augmented by deforestation and daming rivers and ploughing and paving and over-grazing, all of which interfere with the natural re-processing of the DOR which is the long-term residue of oranur back into healthy, motile living energy. In short, there is an orgonomic explanation for the observed climate collapse that does not depend on the CO2-acting-as-greenhouse-gas theory.
The climate is changing. But it is not getting warmer. It is also not getting colder. What it is doing is getting warmer and colder. It is getting wetter and drier. In short, it is getting more random. It is getting more variable. It is getting more chaotic and fluctuating more widely. It is going to extremes. It is pulsating more rapidly and with greater amplitude.
On a statistical graph, this will look as if things are normal because a very hot summer and a very cold winter average out to a normal year. A very warm winter and a cool summer will also average out to a normal year. So to a scientist, with the usual mechanistic fixation on numbers, there will have been a normal year, while to any living organism, there will have been two disasters instead of one.
Most of of what is being attributed to global warming and blamed on greenhouse effect from extra CO2 in the air is really due to oranur, and its' after-effect, DOR. Most of that is from the use of radioactivity, both civilian and military. The rest is from electrical technology and bad land use practices like deforestation. If there is a component from industral pollution, it is a very small one, probably less than that from forest fires.
The direct biological effects of radioactivity have been intensively studied, and are well-known, even if not as well understood. But the meteorological effects have not been studied by anyone except Reichians and one physicist I spoke to once in Lithuania, whose work has not been published in English, and he told me he has not been able to get funding to do more research on the subject since 1988.
The second most important contribution to climate breakdown, after oranur, is cloudbusting. A single cloudbuster has a range of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of kilometers. In fact, the long-range effects can sometimes be global in extent. And there are now hundreds, possibly even thousands, of cloudbusters around.
Cloudbusters are the second most important form of atmospheric pollution after oranur. They are the second most important reason for climate destabilization. And they are growing in numbers at so rapid a rate that they could even surpass the nuclear industry in the near future in terms of the damage done to the environment, at least as far as direct meteorological damage, though probably not yet in terms of long-term biological damage. And so far, nobody except the few people on this list is even aware of the problem.
And while there is an hysterical world-wide politicized movement of unscientific global warming pushers promoting the false claim that a greenhouse effect from combustion-produced gases is causing climate changes, nobody except the people who read this are going to do anything about the cloudbuster problem that is the real cause of much of the climate destabilization.
Joel Carlinsky
( Former orgone biophysics student of Dr. Eva Reich )