My teacher, the late Eva Reich, frequently used to use the term,
"wildcat cloudbusting" to describe undisciplined and unco-ordinated
cloudbusting by untrained and unskilled operators who often knew little
or nothing about the scientific principles behind the functioning of
the cloudbuster, and as often as not, did not care. The term has
recently taken on more urgent importance, as the field has mushroomed
and more and more people all over the world are being introduced to
cloudbusting via the internet, with virtually no chance to learn the
facts upon which it is based.
Attempting cloudbusting without extensive study of orgone biophysics is unlikely to yield good results, and attempting cloudbusting without a good grounding in the biological sciences, especially ecology, is almost certain to produce more trouble than benefits. Any cloudbusting project should only be undertaken after a detailed examination of the proposed operations by an ecologist familiar with the region.
The most important thing to learn in the course of one's education in this field is not how to do cloudbusting. It is how NOT to do cloudbusting: the mistakes and errors to avoid and how to recognize and avoid them. Only after learning how to avoid causing a disaster is it safe to begin the process of learning what to do to obtain desired results.
For all the faults and shortcomings
of modern mechanistic biology, biologists, even the most mechanistic of
them, are far better qualified to work in the cloudbusting field than
physicists or engineers. The end result of any cloudbusting operation,
after all, is not how many centimeters of rain fall, as measured by a
rain gage, but what it does to the living vegetation and animal life on
the ground. A botanist is better qualified to evaluate the results of an
operation than a meteorologist who usually will not even think of
conducting a botanical study to determine his degree of success.
People from a background in the "hard sciences" like physics and engineering predominate in the on-line unorthodox or "alternative" science subculture, and the websites of this segment of the population are full of incitement to take up cloudbusting. A great deal of this incitement is fueled by a rather paranoid complex of irrational fears and complex conspiracy theories that no reasonable person could take seriously. But there are others who advocate what they think are sensible goals, like "scientific research" or "ending droughts" and the irrationality of these people is less obvious.
At first glace, it may seen reasonable to suggest using cloudbusters to end a devastating drought, for example, but to simply post information on how to build a cloudbuster on a website and tell whoever reads it to just "go out and end the drought" is not going to do anyone any good. If more than one person followed such advice, the results could be catastrophic.
Several cloudbusters operating in the same area, with none of the operators aware of the others, and none of them having any idea what to do with the equipment once they had constructed it, would be a perfect recipie for chaos. And if none of them knew how to recognize changes they were causing in the atmosphere as they started to happen, instead of having to wait until results became too obvious to be misinterpeted, when it would be too late to stop in time to avoid excessive rains and flooding, the chances of anything other than disaster would negligible. .
Yet there are websites that have posted exactly that suggestion and urged an unknown number of unknown people to build cloudbusters and deploy them without any information being made available on even the simplest basics of how to use a cloudbuster or how to know when to stop the operation. It is incredible that anyone can fail to see the problems involved with such an approch.
But someone does. Jerry Decker, a well-known advocate of new and inovative inventions and technologies, operator of the prominent website, , has several times recently recommended to his readership that they build cloudbusters and "go out and end the drought" in his native state of Texas. He posts links to a report of a cloudbusting operation of his own, conducted several years ago in Mexico, and to exact detailed instructions illustrating how to build a cloudbuster, but gives virtually no information on how to use it or what safety precautions to take or how to avoid any of the numerous problems that can happen in the course of an operation.
When Jerry was admonished for these and other omissions in his on-line advocacy of promiscuous cloudbusting by untrained individuals acting in an information vacuum, he responded with defensive anger and aggression, refusing to admit any faults in his policy of promoting cloudbusting for the masses.
Jerry can be reached at
Please write to him and explain to him why you think he should refrain from inciting cloudbuster proliferation and wildcat cloudbusting.
And please send me a copy of your e-mail to him and any reply you receive. Thank you.
Joel Carlinsky
( Former orgone biophysics student of Dr. Eva Reich )
Attempting cloudbusting without extensive study of orgone biophysics is unlikely to yield good results, and attempting cloudbusting without a good grounding in the biological sciences, especially ecology, is almost certain to produce more trouble than benefits. Any cloudbusting project should only be undertaken after a detailed examination of the proposed operations by an ecologist familiar with the region.
The most important thing to learn in the course of one's education in this field is not how to do cloudbusting. It is how NOT to do cloudbusting: the mistakes and errors to avoid and how to recognize and avoid them. Only after learning how to avoid causing a disaster is it safe to begin the process of learning what to do to obtain desired results.
Cloudbusting cannot be taught via the internet.
Most of what an operator really needs to learn is internal: how to see
and, more importantly, FEEL what is going on in the atmosphere. It is
more a question of proprioceptive sensations and how to recognize and
interpet them that of any intellectual information that can be stated
in words. Instruction must include hands-on training, under close
supervision by someone who can observe the student and knows what body
language and physiological reactions to look for.
with hands-on instruction from a qualified instructor, few adults can
learn cloudbusting properly. The best students in cloudbusting, as with
many other subjects, such as languages or gymnastics, are children. And
cloudbusting has more in common with gymnastics or riding a bicycle
than with the study of academic subjects like physics or meteorology.
fact, the very people who are most attracted to the study of fields
like physics or meteorology are the worst students when it comes to
cloudbusting. The fields from which the best adult students come are
artists, because they are used to noticing slight changes in coloring
and light intensity in the sky that most people miss, animal trainers
and kndergarden teachers, who are used to dealing with the
unpredictability of living systems, and active members of the neo-Pagan
religious movement, who are indoctrinated in an ideology of respect for
nature and natural processes more than members of the mainstream
Judeo-Christian culture or the mechanistic sciences.
it is ironic that the cloudbuster is being intensely promoted on
websites geared to technology-buffs, invention-freaks, and hard-science
types with an interest in physics, engineering, and inovative
technologies. People in those fields are unlikely to know much of the
biological sciences, and cloudbusting really is more a part of the
biological sciences than of physics, which is the study of inanimate
People from a background in the "hard sciences" like physics and engineering predominate in the on-line unorthodox or "alternative" science subculture, and the websites of this segment of the population are full of incitement to take up cloudbusting. A great deal of this incitement is fueled by a rather paranoid complex of irrational fears and complex conspiracy theories that no reasonable person could take seriously. But there are others who advocate what they think are sensible goals, like "scientific research" or "ending droughts" and the irrationality of these people is less obvious.
At first glace, it may seen reasonable to suggest using cloudbusters to end a devastating drought, for example, but to simply post information on how to build a cloudbuster on a website and tell whoever reads it to just "go out and end the drought" is not going to do anyone any good. If more than one person followed such advice, the results could be catastrophic.
Several cloudbusters operating in the same area, with none of the operators aware of the others, and none of them having any idea what to do with the equipment once they had constructed it, would be a perfect recipie for chaos. And if none of them knew how to recognize changes they were causing in the atmosphere as they started to happen, instead of having to wait until results became too obvious to be misinterpeted, when it would be too late to stop in time to avoid excessive rains and flooding, the chances of anything other than disaster would negligible. .
Yet there are websites that have posted exactly that suggestion and urged an unknown number of unknown people to build cloudbusters and deploy them without any information being made available on even the simplest basics of how to use a cloudbuster or how to know when to stop the operation. It is incredible that anyone can fail to see the problems involved with such an approch.
But someone does. Jerry Decker, a well-known advocate of new and inovative inventions and technologies, operator of the prominent website, , has several times recently recommended to his readership that they build cloudbusters and "go out and end the drought" in his native state of Texas. He posts links to a report of a cloudbusting operation of his own, conducted several years ago in Mexico, and to exact detailed instructions illustrating how to build a cloudbuster, but gives virtually no information on how to use it or what safety precautions to take or how to avoid any of the numerous problems that can happen in the course of an operation.
When Jerry was admonished for these and other omissions in his on-line advocacy of promiscuous cloudbusting by untrained individuals acting in an information vacuum, he responded with defensive anger and aggression, refusing to admit any faults in his policy of promoting cloudbusting for the masses.
Jerry can be reached at
Please write to him and explain to him why you think he should refrain from inciting cloudbuster proliferation and wildcat cloudbusting.
And please send me a copy of your e-mail to him and any reply you receive. Thank you.
Joel Carlinsky
( Former orgone biophysics student of Dr. Eva Reich )