The article linked below appeared on the Keelynet website of Jerry Decker, who has recently been touting what he calls "rainmaking" with the Reich cloudbuster as a "solution" to the drought problem in Texas. The irrationality of telling a large number of readers to all go out and build cloudbusters, and not tell them anything about how the orgone energy in the atmosphere functions or what to do with those cloudbusters to help it function better, is obvious. Only unco-ordinated weather chaos can be expected from a large number of people who know nothing at all about orgone energy pointing cloudbusters at the sky without knowing about each other.
Jerry Decker has exposed his reasoning, or, rather, lack of reasoning, quite well in posting this article, however. He could not post an article like this on his website unless he thinks the orgone theory of atmospheric behavior is dead wrong and the conventional, mechanistic theory is the correct one. By citing a study that ignores orgone energy and is based on mechanistic theory, he is is explicitly denying the orgone theory.
But if he does not think the orgone theory is correct, how can he expect a cloudbuster to do anything at all? A cloudbuster does not work by magic. It attracts orgone energy and alters orgone energy potentials in the sky. These changes in orgone energy charges change the weather. If there were no orgone energy, there would be no effect from pointing a cloudbuster at the sky. So if there IS an effect from a cloudbuster, that is evidence for the theory being correct.
A cloudbuster does not release anything into the air. It does not emit any particles that could serve as "condensation nuclei. So if a cloudbuster can induce rain to fall, that is strong evidence AGAINST the mechanistic theory that rain is caused by condensation of water droplets around small particles in the air.
Jerry seems to think the mechanistic theory of condensation nuclei is correct, but that a cloudbuster can "make rain" too. I have no idea how he thinks a cloudbuster can do that. Certainly, all the many meteorologists and atmospheric physicists I have spoken to about cloudbustinbg are certain that without adding any particulates to the air, a cloudbuster could not possibly affect the amount of rainfall. Jerry must think a cloudbuster works by magic, not by changing orgone energy potentials in the sky.
By denying the theory upon which the cloudbuster is based, Jerry Decker deprives himself of knowing what causes a drought. In orgonomic theory, a drought is caused by one of two things: DOR, a stagnated dead, or dying form of atmospheric energy that has been damaged by a larger-than.usual exposure to secondary energy, usually radioactivity or electromagnetism, or, in some cases, by depletion of the means used by nature to remove the normal build-up of DOR, such as deforestation, daming large rivers, etc.
Jerry Decker seems, in common with the mechanistic meteorologists, to think droughts "just happen" without any underlying cause. That error leads him to the natural assumption that "making rain" will solve the problem. It is indeed sometimes possible to "make rain" during a drought, but that does not remove the stagnation that is the cause of the drought, so the drought will return when the induced rain is over. Even if a protracted series of rainstorms is triggered by cloudbusting, they will eventually end and the drought will again prevail unless the DOR infestation that caused it is eliminated.
Without an understanding of how the orgone energy in the atmosphere functions and what can go wrong with it to cause a drought, it is not possible to restore atmospheric self-regulation and expect the normal weather to take care of itself. The only end result to be expected from "making rain" with a cloudbuster is an atmosphere permanently dependent on successive interventions with a cloudbuster and increasingly unable to function on it's own.
And the only result to be expected from an unknown number of backyard hobbyists all poiunting cloudbusters at random at the sky without the slightest idea what to do with them, is wild, unco-ordinated, random, and chaotic weather.
Plus, of course, the possibility that the current drought in Texas was actually CAUSED, or at least is now being prolonged by incompetent cloudbusting. If someone in Texas is already trying to end the drought by cloudbusting, and given the large number of websites telling how to make a cloudbuster, that seems very likely, that might be either the main reason for the drought in the first place, or at least by now a contributing factor in how long it has gone on.
And adding more cloudbusters to the situation will not be helpful. Especially if they are used under the assumption that there is no specific cause for a drought: that droughts "just happen", and that there is no orgone energy in the atmosphere, that rain is caused by adding particulates that act as "condensation nuclei", and that since a cloudbuster does not add any particles to the atmosphere, a cloudbuster works by magic.
The mistaken theoretical position of the mechanistic meteorologists that condensation nuclei are the operative factor in raindrop formation misleads them into thinking some source of such particulates must be behind the observed periodicy of rain in this study. This concept is nothing new. It has been reported in the scientific literature since 1971, as the "Laporte Anomoly
The orgonomic explanation of such regular repetition of cyclical events is that orgone energy pulsates at a regular rate, and this alternating expansion and contraction determines the local weather, with clear skies when the orgone field is in the expansion phase of the cycle, and rain when it is in the contraction phase. Regular cycles in the weather can be explained without recourse to any hypothetical "condensation nuclei" from motor vehicles and factory smokestacks.
The Laporte, Indiana, Precipitation Anomaly
and the same wrong idea of condensation nuclei being the major factor in formation of raindrops has not been updated in the ensuing decades despite the commonplace observation, confirmed by nearly all observers in the field, that a cloudbuster can produce increases in precipitation without adding anything to the atmosphere.
The orgonomic explanation of such regular repetition of cyclical events is that orgone energy pulsates at a regular rate, and this alternating expansion and contraction determines the local weather, with clear skies when the orgone field is in the expansion phase of the cycle, and rain when it is in the contraction phase. Regular cycles in the weather can be explained without recourse to any hypothetical "condensation nuclei" from motor vehicles and factory smokestacks.
12/24/11 - Why serious thunderstorms and tornados less prevalent on Weekends
For much of the last century, people in parts of the United States have come to notice that just as they got the weekends off to relax, so too did it seem, did serious weather. Big booming thunderstorms that produced large hail and/or tornados, seemed to strike at will during the week, but come the weekend, things grew quiet............. Full Article Source |