This hurricane season has been a rather deficient one in some respects. There have been a number of tropical storms, and some of them have reached hurricane strength while out at sea, but the number of tropical storms that have hit the North American mainland at hurricane speeds is less than what would historically be expected. A lot of damage has been done by flooding from some of these storms, but hardly any from high winds.
The distinction made by meteorologists between a hurricane and a mere tropical storm is an arbitrary one, depending on the speed of sustained winds. There is no natural division or "magic number" that would distinguish them. The operative factor is sustained wind speed. So the question before us now is, has something been sapping the energy of these storms and reducing their wind speed? And if something has been doing that, is that "something" of human origins?
In the past, cloudbusters have been used to divert hurricanes away from the East Coast and steer them out to sea. This procedure is not always successful, and there has been at least one case in which an attempt backfired and the hurricane went inland farther than it otherwise would have. In another case, an attempt to draw directly from a hurricane to weaken it drew it inland to the location of the operator.
A direct draw from a fully-developed hurricane is not adviseable. A hurricane at full power is usually too strong for a cloudbuster to weaken and may even draw additional energy into itself via the cloudbuster, and increase in strength instead of declining. That is what happened in Queensland, Australia last March when an idiot named Ash Palise tried to weaken an approching cyclone and it ended up as the strongest cyclone ever in Australian history.
In the normal course of events, a strong storm off a coast will veer inland if there is a drought over the interior of the land mass. That is an entirely predictable matter of simple orgone physics. A drought is caused by a build-up of DOR. DOR attracts water and also the highly-charged storm system, far more strongly than healthy, motile orgone does. So if there is a lot of DOR in an area, more storms will be attracted to that area, and they will be drawn from a longer distance away.
This will result in an end to the drought since the fast motion of the high winds forming the system will sweep away the stagnated DOR energy field, re-mobilizing it and restoring the normal pulsation that creates rain at more or less regular intervals. This natural self-cleansing mechanism of the atmosphere is an annual event, the duration of most droughts being thus limited by the annual hurricane season.
Some DOR is normal. DOR is a stage in the metabolism of atmospheric energy, and before humans began to produce more of it than nature does, the annual influx of high winds in the recurrent storm seasons kept the spread of deserts in check in most years. In the last several decades, as the widespread use of radioactivity, and to a lesser, but still significant extent, electromagnetic, technology, has increased the DOR-burden of the atmosphere, droughts have tended to increase in both duration and intensity and deserts have been spreading. Hurricanes are therefore more important than ever.
But over the same time frame, there has also been an increase in the number of cloudbusters. The advent of the internet has exponentially expanded the number of backyard hobbyists who have found out from some website how to build a cloudbuster, but have no idea how the atmosphere functions and how a cloudbuster should be used to help it to function better in cases where it has suffered a malfunction due to DOR-infestation.
Instead, far from being aware of the atmosphere as a homeostatic self-regulating system, most of these hobbyists think of the cloudbuster as a method of "weather control" and imagine they can use it to "control the weather", as if the atmosphere had no will of it's own.
And, inevitably, some idiot will think of preventing hurricanes. Some fool who gets his science education from a 30-second sound-bite on an evening news program aimed at the intellectual level of Homer Simpson will will think he can "save lives" and "prevent disaster" by diverting hurricanes away from the land and out to sea. Or by weakening them so they will lack the high speed winds that are the essential factor in re-mobilization of DOR.
And if someone has been doing that this season, either by using a cloudbuster strong enough to actually weaken a hurricane, or by sophisticated cloudbusting techniques that compensate for the lack of sufficient draw and make it possible to weaken a hurricane instead of strengthening it, and if the lack of full-strength hurricanes has been the result of such interference by someone suffering from such irrational hubris, the unusual length of the drought in Texas has been one of the results of this disruption of natural mechanisms for restoring the atmosphere to normal behavior. The drought would normally have ended long since if the annual hurricane season had been allowed to run it's normal course.
And this sort of unintended side-effect of cloudbusting is one reason nobody should attempt cloudbusting without several years of study and experimentation in the field of orgone biophysics.
Joel Carlinsky
( Former Orgone biophysics student of Dr. Eva Reich )