We might have expected to hear no more of Trevor Constable, a would-be entrepreneur who spent 40 years in an ultimately unsuccessful effort to commercialize the Reich cloudbuster invented by Wilhelm Reich, once he retired at an advanced age. He is now 86 years old and his career is over. But infortunately, his influence will survive him.
A younger generation of backyard tinkerers and would-be weather-control engineers has discovered his writings and knows too little about orgonomy to distinguish between Constable's "etheric weather engineering" and the genuine practice of cloudbusting as developed by Wilhelm Reich.
While it is true that Reich used, indeed, coined, the term, "weather engineering" , by the end of his life he had outgrown it and developed his concepts of cloudbusting far beyond the early days when he considered cloudbusting to be "weather control". Reich wrote in his last book, Contact With Space, that the difference could be compared to that between a dictator and a guide, and that the proper role of the cloudbuster operator was to help the damaged atmosphere return to normal, re-establish the capaqcity for self-regulation, and then leave it alone.
Constable must never have read that book. Throughout his career, in his entire considerable body of writings, he never refered to atmospheric self-regulation. Instead, he spoke consistantly of "weather engineering" , "weather control", and other such terms that give a clear impression of an authoritarian personality, a man who wants to force nature to submit to his will, not heal a sick and dying atmosphere.
His work consistantly showed this approch. He had a deliberate policy of always trying to break records, cause abnormal weather conditions, bring the greatest amount of rain, the strongest storms, the most lightning, etc. He seemed oblivious to any damage he caused, killing numerous people without any sign of regret or assumption of responsibility.
The younger people who now are attempting to learn how to do cloudbusting from his writings and promotional videos are being misled. Trevor Constable is not a good source of information on how to do cloudbusting. He is, in fact, the very best source of information on how NOT to do cloudbusting. His depredations against the earth and it's inhabitants over the 40 years of his cloudbusting career are about the worst record in the history of cloudbusting.
Reich wrote extensively about the environmental hazards of DOR, a stagnated, toxic, often deadly form of orgone caused to a large extent by the interaction of nuclear energy with orgone in the atmosphere. Reich considered DOR to be increasing and potentially capable of exterminating life on earth, both by causing droughts and other atmospheric disfunction, and by direct biological devitalization of all living organisms. According to Reich, DOR interferes with the normal constant pulsation of the orgone of the atmosphere which underlies all weather formation.
Reich actually invented the cloudbuster to remove DOR and it only afterwards turned out to have a side-effect of influencing weather directly in addition to this all-important function. And Reich wrote that DOR-removal was the main goal of properly done cloudbusting and if DOR was eliminated from a drought-stricken region, normal rainfall patterns would resume and no further work with the cloudbuster would have to be done.
Constable, on the other hand, never, in all his voluminous published writings, even mentioned DOR. The reason for this omission is that Constable, who is very mystical and heavily into the occult and not incidently was raised as a Christian Scientist, thinks merely THINKING about DOR causes it. He once told this author that Dr. Richard Blasband was "socking in the whole East Coast with DOR by worrying about it all the time".
Therefore, instead of working on getting rid of DOR, he avoided thinking about it. All his cloudbusting operations were designed only to directly cause a particular effect on the weather, not to eliminate the underlying cauise of an atmospheric problem and restore the atmosphere to a condition in which it can pulsate normally again and no further cloudbusting work will be needed.
The junior Trevor Contable wanabees who are so impressed by his bombastic claims to be able to "control weather" with "etheric weather control" as he attempted to re-name Reich's cloudbuster, fail to notice that in over 40 years of "controling weather" no lasting results have been acchieved and the droughts and desertification of Southern California, where he did most of his work, continue because the underlying problem of the DOR which causes the droughts goes on unaddressed.
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