The whole concept of controling weather is wrong. It ignores the self-regulatory normal functioning of the atmosphere and treats the living breathing atmosphere as if it were something inanimate. The normal healthy atmosphere can regulate itself and should be left to do so without interference.
The atmosphere today is being interfered with by human technology. It is sick and needs help to recover. Clouidbusting can and should be done to remove the DOR which is causing weather problems. But if the DOR is removed, the atmosphere should then be left alone to "decide" what weather it needs to make. I know I am expressing it anthropomorphicly but I do not know any orther way to say what I am trying to say.
Some DOR has always existed. It is a normal stage in the endless metabolism of the atmosphere. But over the last 60-odd years, as a result of nuclear technology, and also, to a lesser, but still significant extent, electrical technology in general, the amount of DOR on this planet has been increasing at a rate too fast for the normal atmospheric processes to metabolize and eliminate.
Droughts and unusually severe storms do not "just happen" without a context. They happen because of DOR and oranur conditions. If there is a drought, the wrong way to "solve" the problem is to misuse the cloudbuster to "make rain". That would only make things worse in the long term. The right way to use a cloudbuster in a drought situation is to do DOR-removal. Then the atmosphere, restored to health and normal pulsation, will be able to form rain at it's own pace and in it's own time.
Hurricanes are one of the processes by which the healthy atmosphere cleans itself of DOR and returns things to normal. In recent years, as the DOR level builds up, we need more of them, not less. Without them the atmosphere would soon become unable to suport life.
And the track such a storm follows is not a random accident either. The storm is attracted by DOR, so it tends to go where it is needed. If there is a strong build up of DOR in the interior of a continent, the storm will veer inland. If there is less concentration of DOR over the land,the storm will stay out to sea. These are general tendencies only and nothing in nature is cut-and-dried at all times, of course.
Hurricanes are not a local event. They are an astronomical event, a product of the superimposition of the very same huge streams of cosmic orgone energy that form the earth and keep it moving in orbit. They are a very important and much-needed part of what makes life possible on this planet. To interfere with them is an act of criminal vandalism directed against the entire world.
Tornadoes are a very different process. Unlike a hurricane, a tornado is a local event, created as a reaction of the atmospheric energy to stagnation in the local area. If there is too much DOR, a tornado will form to get rid of it. It is like the body's immune system, while a hurricane is like a yearly spring cleaning of the whole planet. As DOR increases, so will tornadoes. If they did not the inhabitants of the area would soon be dead since DOR is highly toxic to living organisms, not just to atmospheric processes.
So I would not use a cloudbuster to weaken or destroy a hurricane or to divert it from it's proper track, or to prevent tornadoes under any circumstances. But I would use it to remove DOR, help a sick atmosphere recover and restore normal pulsatory motion to an atmosphere that had become stagnant as a result of DOR from nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons stockpiles, etc., and the widespread use of high-voltage alternating current which also contributes to the atmospheric problems. And in all cases, the only goal of any properly done cloudbusting operation is not to control the weather. It is to help the atmosphere recover the abilty to control itself.
Self-regulation of the atmosphere is a concept that is hard to grasp for people steeped in the concepts of mechanistic science, which regards the atmosphere as a lifeless hapahzard collection of gases, moved only by temperature differences, not having any intrinsic motion, rather than as a highly-organized system whose functioning requires that it be interfered with as little as possible. In talking about it, Reich used the analogy of the difference between a dictator and a guide, and he called cloudbusting the practice of "Atmospheric Medicine".
Anyone who thinks of cloudbusting as "weather engineering" or "weather control" clearly does not understand it. It was, in fact, over this very issue that Trevor Constable was fired by the American College of Orgonomy.
That sense of control which people experience from cloudbusting is a temptation, but it leads down a very slippery slope to a planet devoid of life.
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