All technology is based on that fact. Humans, most of them, fear the natural world. They do not believe it can control itself. They think they need to be in control of it. They think they are not safe on this planet otherwise. And that is why "weather control" is a popular concept, but hardly anyone ever talks about atmospheric medicine to heal a sick atmosphere and restore the capacity for atmospheric self-regulation.
The cloudbuster CAN be misused to control weather, but that is malpractice. What should and MUST be done is use it to fix the damage to the atmosphere that humans have already done by their technologies, not use it to cause more damage.
So when I see a group of humans who want to prevent a perfectly necessary and vital natural phenomena, I do not think they just need education. I think they need deep therapy. And as an environmental activist, I cannot provide that. What I have to do is stop them from committing the destruction they want to do. Why they are so destructive and how to change that is a problem for someone else.
Preaching to people will not work. It has a long track record of failure. And no amount of diplomacy will change that.
--- On Tue, 7/13/10, ............................ wrote:
From: .................................
Subject: Re: Correspondence...................
To: "joel carlinsky" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 9:47 AM
It's a fact of human conduct, that you can get more done by using a friendly, diplomatic approach, rather than an antagonistic, condescending, accusatory one, jumping to a first conclusion hat everyone must be bad, rather than good people needing to rethink their approach.
----- Original Message -----
From: joel carlinsky
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: Correspondence...................
I do not see the Earth First! Journal being "diplomatic" to lumber companies or Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherds being "diplomatic" to Japanese whalers.
And if you really want to do some good in the world instead of being on a power-trip, maybe you could concentrate on the issues of ecological effects of what you are doing instead of lecturing me about how to win converts.
I do not expect to win over many members of the Weather Rangers. They apparently have a mind-set already that hurricanes and tornadoes are something harmful that should be prevented if possible. That is an attitude common enough in this culture, but it ultimately rests on the orthodox science assumption that the atmosphere is not alive, has no needs of its own, has no organization or background cause for what it does, but is only a hap-hazard collection of inanimate gases that moves because of temperature differences.
That the atmosphere is a highly-organized system, and that it can be either healthy or sick, and that if it becomes sick it can be healed and made well again and can then resume regulating itself without needing further intervention is the real issue.
And instead of discussing that issue, you are lecturing me about my writing style.
--- On Mon, 7/12/10, ............................................ wrote:
From: ..................................
Subject: Re: Correspondence...................
To: "joel carlinsky" <>
Date: Monday, July 12, 2010, 6:30 PM
If you talk this way, and don't try to be diplomatic, I will be included among those who will just hit delete and not read what you have to say.
----- Original Message -----
From: joel carlinsky
To: ........................
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: Correspondence...................
To characterize his lies and ad hominum attacks as "news" about me is perhaps typical of how politics is done these days, but really, now, it would be better to stick to discussion of the issues instead of changing the subject from a debate on the merits of weather control to a discussion of me and about what I did or did not do 30 years ago, how I make a living, whom I associate with, and even, for gods sake, what color paper I once wrote some letters on.
The articles DeMeo has on his website, and linked to on the conspiracy-theory website of one of his fans, are at best, irrelevant to any serious discussion of the ethics of weather control. So why are they being presented by the Weather Rangers as somehow having something to do with the points I have tried to raise?
Ash sent a post to the Orgonomy Mailing List asking for volunteers for a secret project. I correctly figured out what the plan was, and raised some objections that should have been taken seriously and subjected to meaningful discussion. I also sent some e-mails to some members of the Weather Rangers, including you, and at least a few of those got posted to the Weather Rangers website.
But so, apparently, did links to the BS DeMeo wrote about me, which was written almost 20 years ago. And nobody seems to have bothered to ask why he wrote it, what his possible motivation might be, and if it was really true or not.
So pardon me if I assume such people are idiots. Or at least they are not interested in a discussion of what, if anything, they ought to do regarding the weather. Instead of discussing the ecological issues of weather control interventions, they would rather discuss if I am a burglar or if I once wrote an article for Skeptic magazine.
I am not blaming the group for the silly rantings of Ash; he is obviously a loose cannon and his nutty ranting can be disregarded, but the rest of the group, especially a few of the most active members, seem oblivious to the serious ecological damage they might do by their "good intentions", which are really nothing but well-rationalized egotism and power-tripping. And if they will not engage in any real discussion of that potential damage, they deserve no more consideration than any other corporation that is destroying the environment for profit.
That their motive is ego-gratification instead of money does not make them any better. They are still willing to destroy the environment and any person who wants to protect the environment will still want to stop them. Winning them over is apparently not an option, so my efforts are not aimed at convincing the Weather Rangers; they are aimed at stirring up environmental activists to fight against them.
Most of my messages have been going to people on my personal mailing list, a list which includes many environmental activists, and my main aim at this point is to let them know that such a group as the Weather Rangers exists and is a threat to the ecosystem. So I present the facts without any concern for what the criminals who are trying to demolish our atmosphere might think.
But I did make recommendations. I recommended doing an environmental Impact study before making any plans for a project. That is standard procedure these days for almost any project, let alone one that could have consequences as far-reaching as this one. It would be highly irresponsible to proceed without one.
I recommended consulting an ecologist and I explained why that would be a good Idea. I recommended an end to secrecy and making all plans public so the public would have a right to comment. I recommended complying with environmental protection laws. Your lawyer would certainly recommend the same.
--- On Mon, 7/12/10, ........................... wrote:
Subject: Re: Correspondence...................
To: "joel carlinsky" <>
Date: Monday, July 12, 2010, 4:41 PM
You would be more productive if you didn't condescend in your reference to the Weather Rangers.
Rather, assume they are well meaning, and make recommendations.
Don't assume they are idiots and talk that way. You'll win no converts that way.
----- Original Message -----From: joel carlinskySent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:46 AMSubject: Re: Correspondence...................
And this excellent exposition shows why the Weather Rangers are fooling around with something they know nothing about. They have no idea at all of how the atmosphere works, knowledge that is the first step in trying to help it when it malfunctions.
In fact, they have no idea that there is even any such thing as a normal atmosphere, capable of regulating itself, and a sick, malfunctioning atmosphere, which needs help to return to self-regulation. They see it all as just something inanimate, something they can intervene in at will, to get whatever results THEY happen to want, irrespective of what the atmosphere itself may want.
The Weather Rangers are like someone with no training in medicine finding a shinny new scalpel and deciding to try it out by doing surgery without bothering to study anything about anatomy first. They do not understand the body they are proposing to operate on. In fact, they cannot even see it. All they can see are the television newscasts showing how "bad" the normal healthy behavior of the atmosphere is, so they wish to kill that normal healthy behavior, the strong circulatory storm systems upon which atmospheric metabolism depends, to obtain "domesticated" weather, more to the liking of T.V. announcers.
The Weather Rangers remind me of a suggestion by some anti-nature idiot that grizzly bears should be geneticly engineered to breed out agressiveness so they would make safe pets. No healthy person would choose to live in a world where such things could happen. Hurricanes and tornadoes are a part of living on this planet and trying to domesticate the atmosphere is what the ancient Greeks called Hubris.
And Hubris was punishable by Nemisis. If the Weather Rangers do not realize their approch is wrong, if they persist in trying to harm the atmosphere by interfering with vitally-needed storms, then it will become incumbent on those who understand the difference between a living atmosphere and a dead one to assume the role of Nemisis and put a stop to their nefarious plans.
If this means a weather war, fought with cloudbusters, one side trying to prevent hurricanes and the other trying to create or augment them, then so be it. It may come to that; that if the atmosphere is being vandalized by operations designed to prevent storms, we may have to form a group to do operations to replace those storms. It is a lot easier to create hurricanes and tornadoes than to stop them anyway.
And if we ever do decide we need to form a group to cause hurricanes, I suggest we call it "Nemisis".
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