Too many people find out cloudbustinmg can be done and immediately try to win over the whole world to doing it. Nobody ever stops to think what the results of acceptance would be.
Can you imagine the Mafia shaking down farmers by threatening to cause floods or droughts? Or the IRA having a go at British agriculture? Or India and Pakistan giving each other floods? Or teenagers playing with the weather for a joke? Or oil companies trying to increase demand for heating fuel by causing cold weather?
All these would happen if any of these misguided fools were ever to succeed in convincing the world cloudbusters work.
Fortunately, the psychological and cultural obstacles are so great that there is little danger of that ever happening.
--- On Thu, 3/12/09, Jürgen Fischer <> wrote:
From: Jürgen Fischer <>
Subject: Re : [OrgonomyMail-List] Tr : emotionnal plague
Date: Thursday, March 12, 2009, 8:19 PM
I did cloudbusting with DeMeo, Bernd Senf and others in the eighties and nineties. I did it in Arizona and in Germany. It always worked - even "better" than intended. The last operation (I was doing the videos) led to one of the biggest weather disasters in Europe with seven severe storms from Scotland to Greece that cost more than 200 human lives and many billions on money. Thousands lost their health and properties. Many forests were damaged for decades.
Well. No one of the nowadays "cloudbusting specialists" want to know about this event now - they simply don't mention any more - and they act on as if cloudbusting was a fine thing and could be done by some private persons. Actually it is very cheap and simple (about 2000,- $) to build a fully equiped cloudbuster and as myself anyone else who knows how to operate could built one and do it. And some really do.
What - do you think - would happen, if a politician who has to act with "public success" would really successfully fight the califonia fires with rain that is produced with cloudbusting? I think: a worldwide disaster that could ruin the global climate completely. Any farmer organisation would claim to do it. The yellow press would jump on the subject for the thrill. (Make a storm and send the camera teams even before it happens.) Everybody who thinks of himself being important, every lobbyist, would require cloudbusting for the purpose of his own interests. The military, the cotton farmers, the tourist industry ....
This is throwing it into the big mouth of the emotional plague.
Cludbusting is a NOT to make rain for some purpose, not even "to break a droungt" (as some "specialists" claim) and especially not a toy for those houswifes and students who speak of consprative "chem trails" and proudfully show videos on youtube on how they destroyed clouds with their "holy granades".
Reichs first public cloudbusting attempts to help the strawberry farmers was a rather naive action, but he did not know yet about the self regulative rules of the climate when he did it. Later in his operations in Arizona he did not make rain any more but he tried to enhance the relative humidity of the air to help the desert vegetaion to grow slowly over a long period of time. Cloudbusting is more related biology than to meteorology. It is ecology.
Cloudbusting can only be used beneficially to help the global climate to regain its self regulation. It can only be done properly if you know the causes of DOR, at least of those origings of DOR made by us humans. I know and some others do, too. But better not to publish this.
There is one example in Northern Africa: a contemporary cloudbusting project done for an agricultural project. It sounds very successful and reasonable, but what is really happening? The natural weather regulation is perverted even more. The project will be dependent on cloudbusting for decades, perhaps for ever, because not the cause of the desert is reversed, only come square miles are artificially supplied with rain by drawing clouds from north to the south. No one knows what will be the result if you constantly change the global climate just to make rain for some square miles of one single farming project.
I think, if we use cloudbusting for shortsighted aims like breaking a drounght, for fire fighing or farming, or making sunshine for tourists - soon every fire in Australia would be countered with cloudbusting. But what if this results in a climate change that stops rain in the Indonesian rain forests or if it results in a warming of Antarctica and the melting ice would raise the oceans some meters?
At least: the Californian coast would not have a fire problem any more because most cities would be below the sea level.
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