DOR is an acronym for Deadly Orgone Radiation. It is the final stage of ORANUR. That is the toxic state the orgone energy of the atmosphere gets into when it is exposed to an irritant such as radioactive material. Oranur is toxic and disruptive of weather conditions. It is an attempt by the atmospheric energy to destroy the irritant. If the orgone field is strong enough and the irritant is not too strong, the irritant will eventually be overcome, and in the case of radioactive material, lose it's ionization effect and become harmless to living tissue.
But if the source of the irritation is too strong, the atmosphere loses the fight and eventually wears out, lapsing into a stagnant stage called DOR. This is a "dead" form of energy, not capable of suporting life and is an underlying cause of both droughts and illnesses. It undermines the vitality of the organism in a generic way, leaving it open to a long list of illnesses and causes a breakdown of normal meteorlogical processes ultimately ending in a prolonged drought.
Some DOR has always existed. It is a normal stage in the energetic metabolism of the atmosphere and is normally resorbed and restored to mobility by the motion of strong circulatory storm systems ( hurricanes and tornadoes ) but over the last 60-odd years, the vast increase in radioactivity on this planet has caused a sharp incease in oranur and it's end result, DOR. All forms of radioactivity result in DOR-production. Since orgone can pass through any thickness of any substance, there is no way to shield radioactive materials from the orgone field of the atmosphere, so an oranur effect takes place regardless of any shielding.
To a much lesser, but still significant extent, high-voltage alternating current equipment also creates the same effects, but the best estmate is that at the present time, around 80% to 85% of the global DOR burden is caused by man-made radioactivity. Most of the climate breakdown conventionally ascribed to greenhouse gases is really caused by DOR build-up and most of the rest is caused by misuse of cloudbusters.
It should be noted that DOR is not just another name for radioactivity. DOR can pass through shielding and travel against the wind.
Many diseases are also either directly caused by DOR or are able to gain a foothold becausethe immune system of the subject is compromised by DOR.
DOR can be detected and measured by various instruments, including a light-meter. It causes changes in coloring and light intensity in the sky which can readily distinguished with a bit of tutoring and practice.
DOR-clouds look and FEEL different. They have a ragged, fuzzy, look, with poorly-defined edges, fading away and merging into the background haze. Healthy clouds have sharply-defiond edges, and stand out from a bright sky. DOR looks blackish, and the subjective impression is that the sky looks "sick". People feel slightly sick under severe DOR conditions, and listless, lacking in energy. Animals are less active, birds do not sing so much, and it can be difficult to think clearly, with a feeling like "swimming in molasses".
The main cause of DOR is nuclear reactors. Nuclear weapons stockpiles, also are a big problem. The transport of anything radioactive, including a nuclear weapon, through the air will leave a DOR-trail along the track of the aircraft. This can be seen by the slower dispersal of the jet contrail left by the plane.
DOR is most common in deserts and can be cleaned out by a strong circulatory storm. Heavy rain is not always enough to get rid of DOR. It requires a circulatory motion. DOR can be removed by proper cloudbusting. When a cloudbuster removes DOR, the sky turns bluer, the lighting changes, everything perks up. Birds start singing, animals act more active, people feel better.
DOR turns water acidic. This can be measured by a PH meter. It has an effect on the blood cells which can be seen under a microscope. DOR is a background factor in many illnesses.
A form called the DOR-Index for people to fill out has been devised by a Doctor Courtney Baker to make the presense of DOR more objective by getting the impressions of many people and pooling them to obtain a numerical estimate of how much DOR is around.
Tornadoes are a reaction of the atmosphere to try to remove DOR. A tornado metabolizes DOR and returns it to the normal healthy orgone state. The more DOR around, the more likely a tornado. But if there is too much DOR it can last a long time before the atmosphere is able to get rid of it. The cloudbuster can help.
DOR also builds up in the human body and can be removed by a miniature cloudbusater called the Medical DOR-buster. It does the same thing in the body that the big cloudbuster does in the atmosphere, breaking blockages and allowing new, fresh, moving energy to stream in, getting the stuck area moving again.
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