Some islands surrounded by water have a lot of DOR and are deserts. Having water all around would help, but would not be enough to keep a place DOR-free if there was a DOR-barrier in the sky blocking access to weather fronts.
For example, the real place where the Sahara Desert begins is in the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa. There is a DOR-barrier there like the one Reich found in Arizona,
keeping moisture fromthe Atlantic from passing on to the continent. That DOR-barrier is a large part of the reason North Africa dried up and became a desert around 5,350 years ago.
keeping moisture fromthe Atlantic from passing on to the continent. That DOR-barrier is a large part of the reason North Africa dried up and became a desert around 5,350 years ago.
There are other factors that also contribute to North Africa being a desert, but if that DOR-barrier was removed, which could be done by proper cloudbusting in a few years time, the ancient weather patterns would start to reassert themselves and the Sahara would go back to the climate it used to have.
But the current "desert greening" project going on in Algeria is not doing things properly. Instead of doing DOR-removal, and then allowing nature to take it's course, they are trying to "make rain". They are getting the desert to turn green and they think that is a great success, but in reality, they are just making things worse in the long run.
It is possible to get rain much faster than to remove the DOR-barrier and PERMIT rain, and since they want fast results to impress potential financial backers, they are going for quick results. But the end result of that mistaken strategy is the need to keep on doing it every year from now on. As long as the DOR barrier is still in place, the area will remain permanently dependent on human intervention to stay green and will revert to desert again when the cloudbusting program stops.
It is possible to get rain much faster than to remove the DOR-barrier and PERMIT rain, and since they want fast results to impress potential financial backers, they are going for quick results. But the end result of that mistaken strategy is the need to keep on doing it every year from now on. As long as the DOR barrier is still in place, the area will remain permanently dependent on human intervention to stay green and will revert to desert again when the cloudbusting program stops.
That is the difference between mere rainmaking and re-establishing atmospheric self-regulation, which Reich advocated as the right way to use a cloudbuster. Nearly everybody who has tried cloudbusting since Reich died has missed this point. The normative authoritarianism in this culture makes it hard for most people to grasp. As soon as they find out about cloudbusting, they think it is a way to "control the weather" and "make rain". Anyone who calls cloudbusting "weather control" or speaks of "engineering" weather,is guilty of malpractice.
Weather systems are affected by many factors. They are influenced by mountain ranges, large bodies of water, large river valleys, forests, open plains, and human land use practices like clearing vegetation away, ploughing, planting monocultures, paving large areas, building large cities, draining wetlands, daming large rivers, setting forest fires, and grazing livestock, especially goats. The worst thing humans do is add to the amount of DOR the atmosphere has to process by using radioactivity and to a lesser, but still significant extent, electricity.
But there are large-scale DOR barriers in certain places that are not caused by humans. They are the result of a massive meteor bombardment about 5,350 years ago. It was that
astronomical catastrophe that changed the global cimate from the Climatic Optimum to the climate we have now and have had for the last 5,000 + years. Most deserts are the result of DOR blockages that were created then, though most Old World deserts have been greatly expanded since then by human land use practices such as cattle grazing.
astronomical catastrophe that changed the global cimate from the Climatic Optimum to the climate we have now and have had for the last 5,000 + years. Most deserts are the result of DOR blockages that were created then, though most Old World deserts have been greatly expanded since then by human land use practices such as cattle grazing.
Before the meteor storm, there were practically no deserts on earth. The polar regions were not glaciated and the tree line extended right up to the Arctic Ocean in both Canada and Siberia. The meteor bombardment setthe stage for the climate we have had for the past 5,000 years.
The Climatic Optimum era was around 6,000 to 8,000 years ago. That was the climatic regime immediately before our own, so we have more evidence for it and a better idea of what it was like than we do for any other. It was ended by a meteor storm about 5,350 years ago. The most accessable material on the subject is work by British astronomers Clube and Naipier. I was first told about it by the late Reid Bryson, of the University of Wisconsin, who was the leading climatologist in America. He told me he had backtracked the orbit of the earth by computer and done the same for other objects in the solar system, and at around that date the orbit of earth intercepted a meteor swarm in space. That is also the time when the deserts dried up and the poles froze up.
It has nothing to do with any previous climate changes, cyclical or otherwise. The climatic Optimum was a time of warm wet climate all over earth, with no deserts or ice caps except in the high-elevatiuon interiors of Greenland and Antarctica, not at the coasts. The main deserts of today were created by the changed atmospheric circulatory patterns caused by the meteor bombardment.
That was the origin of the DOR barriers that still block the movement of energy into certain areas today, such as the DOR barrier in the sky that Reich found at the crest of the Sierras near Jacumba. Removal of these DOR fields by cloudbusting would restore the ancient climate of the region.
That was the origin of the DOR barriers that still block the movement of energy into certain areas today, such as the DOR barrier in the sky that Reich found at the crest of the Sierras near Jacumba. Removal of these DOR fields by cloudbusting would restore the ancient climate of the region.
That is how a proper cloudbusting project should be done. But it is not how it is being done today. Instead, there is a group of people who are trying to green the Sahara desert by bringing rain on their own schedule, not by doing DOR removal aimed at reducing the DOR barriers that are the cause of the desertification.
They can succeed in bringing rain, but unless the DOR barrier is removed, as soon as they stop operations the area will go right back to being a desert. So their project is really a proposal for a permanent dependence on human control of the atmosphere in North Africa instead of a plan to re-establish atmospheric self-regulation in North Africa as it should be.
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