My own observations confirm this. Artists, kindergarden teachers, animal trainers, and gardeners make the best cloudbuster operators. Farmers, physicists, and engineers are the worst. The gardeners, animal trainers, and teachers of small children are those that are used to dealing with the vagaries of living systems.
People coming from physics and engineering tend to want the atmosphere to do what they want it to, and to do the same thing every time, and they think that if it does not, there is something wrong. Farmers want to dominate and control nature, not leave it alone to produce whatever it may.
The proper demographic to target for education on cloudbusting is children. After the age of 17 or so, it is impossible to learn it properly. By that age the culture has got them and it is too late. Kids grasp the principals immediately and can be trusted to use it responsibly. Adults cannot learn it and cannot be trusted with it, with only a few exceptions.
I hope this helps explain why I take such a dim view of the efforts of people like DeMeo to win converts among armored scientists and farmers, who would make an even greater mess of things if they ever learned how to intervene in the weather.
I would support a project to teach cloudbusting to children. But as far as adults are concerned, I will always try to convince them that Reich was a crackpot and orgone does not exist.
I think at least part of the current heat wave in Oregon and nearby areas is due to cloudbusting. Cloudbusting with a motorized remote-controlled cloudbuster means exciting the field of the cloudbuster with electrical current. That excitation is imparted to the field of the atmosphere, and the result is an expansion, counter-acting the contraction needed to cause rain.
The use of 12 volt DC servo-motors to move a cloudbuster around was invented by Dick Blasband to avoid the DOR infestation that struck down Robert McCullough in Arizona. It worked, or at least seemed to, in the relatively moist and mobile atmosphere on the East Coast, as it also works well enough in Europe. But on the West Coast, where the normal atmosphere is much drier and more in a state of chronic expansion, it adds to and prolongs the drought.
Several people have made this same error. Jerome Eden, Blasband, and now, DeMeo and his followers in the CORE Network, all have used such motorized electrical cloudbusters and all have accidently prolonged a drought with it.
These remote controlled units also separate the operator from personal contact with his equipment, preventing him from having the bodily sensations that could tell him what effect he is having on the atmosphere. That is why they then become so enthusiastic about these "orgonotesters" that DeMeo is selling to detect changes in the orgone twension around them so they can tell if the cloudbuster is having an effect or not. First they detach themselves from biological direct contact with the instrument, then they invent a substitue for that same contact.
A woman in Ireland, Caroline Cooper, was a touch healer. She claimed to have "sensitive hands". She held on to the cloudbuster pipes while it was operating and could tell when it made energetic contact with a storm hundreds of miles out at sea.
THAT is the way cloudbusting SHOULD be done!! Never mind modern, sophisticated, or rather, pseudosophisticated, "scientific" instruments for monitoring what you are doing. Get in there and feel it!
I can hardly imagine anything worse than someone sitting in an underground bunker watching cathode ray monitoring screens while using remote controls to manipulate a large number of cloudbusters planted around the surfact at many different locations. This type of nightmare is where these remote control units lead to.
They do it because they are afraid of DOR. Fear of DOR is rational. But I think they are also afraid of any personal direct contact with the life energy of the atmosphere. They are fascinated by it, so they won't give up cloudbusting, but they are afraid to TOUCH it up close and personal. They want to control it, that makes them feel safer, but they cannot tolerate full contact with it.
And the recent heat wave in the Russia is a result of this fear of the orgone.
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