I simply do not see what you are saying you see in this video. The device shown is an orgone shooter, as described by Reich in the 1940s. It consists of a small orgone accumulator with several hollow tubes leading from it. The ends of the tubes are pointed at the sky instead of at a patient, but that is the only difference.
It would be expected to have a small short-range effect on small clouds for a limited period of time, until the atmosphere got used to the stimulus and quit reacting to it. The effect on the cloud depicted in the video is not the same as the effect of a cloudbuster, though there is a superficial resemblence that might look the same to someone who was not familiar with the orgonomic understanding of how a cloudbuster works.
The cloudbuster works by DRAWING energy down the tubes, and into the water the cloudbuster is grounded into. If it is aimed directly at a cloud, the cloud will break up because the energy is withdrawn from it. The draw is due to the attraction of water for orgone.
What is shown in this video is the over-excitation of a cloud by energy being drawn INTO it from the device because the cloud is MORE STRONGLY charged than the small accumulator at the end of the pipes. The orgonomic potential is at work here; the highly-charged water in the cloud DRAWS the orgone through the pipes into the cloud.
The charge of the cloud INCREASES from the addition of charge until it exceeds the capacity of the small amount of water in the cloud. Then the expansion-causing tendency of orgone causes the water droplets to move apart, breaking up the cloud.
The cloud draws energy from the bucket via the pipes, and gets over-excited. It therefore breaks up from OVER-EXPANSION, not from withdrawal of energy. The resemblence is superficial.
The allegations of a beneficial effect on a DOR-atmosphere cannot be substanciated. Adding charge to a stagnant, DOR-infested area of the sky will not recycle the DOR into mobile OR. It will, however, if continued long enough, get the stagnant area so overcharged that a discharge will result.
This discharge might take the form of heat, lightning, or a circulatory motor force, known popularly as a tornado. If heat waves, thunderstorms, or tornados were being caused very frequently by these devices, someone among the many hobbyists indulging in this sport would have noticed it by now, unless they are all so blinded by their implausable belief-system that none of them can see the connection.
But while that is certainly a possibility that must be kept in mind, the more likely reason none of them has noticed any such result is that these devices are not strong enough to have that much of an effect -at least not too much of the time.
The device depicted is not a cloudbuster, and would not have the effects of a cloudbuster. The confusion arises from the name, "cloudbuster" , and the common misperception that the function of a cloudbuster is to "break up clouds". It is not important that a common effect of a cloudbuster draw is the breaking up of a cloud. That is only one possible effect, and not even one of the most important ones.
If the cloudbuster was called an Orgone Drawing Device, or an Orgone Attractor, or an Orgonomic Atmospheric Modulator, or some other name that did not give people unfamiliar with it the impression that breaking up clouds is what it is for, this kind of error would not happen.
But the name "cloudbuster" is there for historical reasons having to do with how it came to be invented, not what it does or what it is used for. And the people fooling around with these devices are not aware of that because they have no interest in learning orgone physics. They are interested in a role-playing game, and calling their devices "cloudbusters" and pretending they re-mobilize DOR is part of the game to them, just like pretending DOR is some chemical being sprayed out of airplanes is a part of the game they are playing.
And while they indulge themselves in such fantasies, people who want to know what is happening to the atmosphere and what to do about it are being tricked into getting involved in silly role-playing games instead of being able to learn the facts.
And that makes these people who play these silly games part of the problem.
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