I have written extensively on the dangers of indiscriminate cloudbuster proliferation and have documented numerous instances of severe storms and deaths caused by irresponsible cloudbusting. My main role in the field has evolved into that of an environmental activist. I think cloudbusting can and must be used to prevent the ongoing kilmasturtz caused by the widespread use of nuclear and electromagnetic technology. Without it we are doomed. But at the same time, the proliferation of cloudbusters in the hands of people who know little or nothing of the very elaborate theory behind it and care nothing for the environmental side-effects is a serious environmental problem in itself.
As you may know, especially as you live in Maine, and may have visted his laboratory at Rangely, Reich discovered the true nature of "radioactivity" and how it really fuctions and how it really interacts with living tissues. A side effect of this research was the cloudbuster, which is primarily a means to decontaminate the atmosphere of the deadly, stagnated form of life energy which he called "DOR".
DOR causes droughts and climatic destabilization. Removing it can return the atmosphere to normal pulsation and restore the historic weather tendencies. But it is unfortunately also possible to misuse the cloudbuster to intervene in weather under normal conditions and bring rain, or stop rain, or do other things, including cause tornados and other severe weather.
DOR is mostly caused by nuclear reactors, atomic bombs, and other sources of radioactivity stronger than those found in nature. It is highly toxic, causing unspecific devitalization rather than any specific illness that could be diagnosed by conventional medicine, and allowing latent forms of ill health to manifest.
The biological and meteorlogical effects of DOR work in tandem and so do the effects of cloudbusting have both a biological and a meteorlogical side. It is not possible to separate the two, though many people, enamored of the idea of "weather control" with the cloudbuster, ignore the biological effects and think only in terms of meteorology. That is why so many of their operations cause such ecological havok.
I will send you some of my many articles on the subject. Since the death of Jerome Eden, I am the only one doing anything to place cloudbusting on a firm footing in ecology with due attention to biological effects of operations, not just the effects on weather. .
I can testify from my own experience that water forms in the atmosphere directly from mass-free energy, just as Reich said it does. There are two additional stages in the hydrological cycle that meteorologists do not know about.
Tons of water can fall out of a small cloud that could not possibly contain that much water before the rain started. It is possible with proper use of a cloudbuster to trigger the process of water production and make it self-sustaining. I have done work in a lab that showed water forming in a bowl that had to be emptied daily to keep it from overflowing.
The condensation nucleus theory of raindrop formation is wrong. In rather rare conditions, when a storm is very highly charged, biological matter will form in the clouds directly from mass-free energy, and if the charge is very high, the matter will organize into living organisms. This is the true origin of bacteria found in raindrops and thought by meteorologists to act as condensation nuclei.
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