In the late 80s and early 90s DeMeo was the worst problem. But he has now been replaced by even worse problems. The Weather Rangers are only a small example of what we are going to see in the next few years as more idiots learn about cloudbusting.
The Algerian project is a good example of how NOT to do a cloudbusting project. Thank you for bringing to my attention that point about their making a settlement there with permanent residents meaning they will become permanently dependent on cloudbusting. I had not thought of that point. But it does not need to be so. If cloudbusting was done PROPERLY, they could restore the original, prehistoric climate of North Africa and re-establish the Climatic Optimum. If that was done, the wetter climate would become self-sustaining.
But it will not happen the way they are doing it. They would need to slowly break down the barriers in the atmosphere to the west, out over the Atlantic, and to do it without causing
convulsions and disruptions would take several years of work which is too long to impress a potential financial backer.
convulsions and disruptions would take several years of work which is too long to impress a potential financial backer.
The quick easy way is what they are doing. Just draw from one direction until you move the hot dry air mass away to someplace else and bring in a different air mass from someplace else. They are drawing from the south to move the hot dry desert air up over Europe, where it then gets picked up by the normal west to east motion of the atmosphere and carried over to Russia. They can move the Gulf of Guinea monsoon northward until it is over the Sahara and North Africa gets rains, but meanwhile Europe gets a heat wave. It works for them, but they pay no attention to side-effects outside their area. That was always the problem with DeMeo too.
If they had the time and funding to break up the huge DOR field that sits over North Africa, they could do a permanent job that would benefit the entire planet, but they are too impatient for that. They have to get quick results to get funding for the next year. So, yes, the result will be as you say: they will establish a permanent cloudbusting program instead of going for a self-regulating atmosphere that can produce enough rain without help.
One thing that is really ironic is that as critical as I have been of Blasband, he never had any trouble grasping that point. He is an evil bastard in many other ways, but he did know enough to get the atmosphere cleaned out of DOR and then leave it alone except when it needed to be touched up. Somehow these people in Algeria seem to have missed that lesson. Perhaps it was a Moslem holiday and they were not in school that day.
North Africa became a desert because of a Klimasturtz about 5,000 years ago. It was not a desert until then and it could be restored now, but just bringing in imported rain from some other place is not the way to do it properly.
There is a DOR barrier out over the Atlantic. I have been to the Canary Islands and seen it. The right location to break up that barrier is on Grand Canaria, not in Algeria. But they will not think of that because every damn person on this planet thinks in terms of nationalism and national borders and they all think there is such a place as "Algeria" and that the Canary Islands are someplace else. Until they figure out that cloudbusting cannot be done in just one so-called "country" they will never get it right.
I had the same problem once in Kansas. Some farmers there wanted me to break a drought. But when I told them the proiblem was in Washington State, not in Kansas, they lost interest and refused to pay for cloudbusting in another state. I tried to explain that a barrier in Washington was causing their drought, but they wanted me to do cloudbusting in Kansas.
And that sums up the whole mess on this planet.
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